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I have read a few posts with people in similar situations to myself. Met a girl, fell for her, got too close and too nice too fast and scared her away. That happened to me also. The gifts I gave just made the situation worse I now understand all that.


I did the "smart" thing and kept my distance. I communicated with her just every couple weeks and kept it short. Eventually she did write back. I wrote back to her then still keepign things simple, and she has done the same.


Now my problem is now what? We are writing back and forth a couple times a month, but nothing else has happened. I just tell her what I have been doing, and she does the same, and that's it. It's like we are both afraid to say anythign else. So what do I do now? I dont' want to ask her to go out if she's not ready, but how do I know? What might be a good thing to do at this point?

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Invite her to some function...or a concert...or a play...or something where there will be a lot of people around. She will probably accept an invitation to accompany you to some non-threatening event.


But don't expect some magical change in the way she feels about you. First impressions are fiercely strong and right now she feels you are NO challenge and perhaps so desperate you thing you have to kiss lady's butts and show them with gifts to get them to like you...even though it's mostly because you're just a nice guy.


You better move on to other ladies...and don't be too nice too soon next time.


I wouldn't invest an incredible amount of time with this lady you're trying to get back. If at some time in the future she seems to show an interest again, don't screw it up.

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billy the kid

KEEP doing what your doing.. if she is a 90's woman she will let you know when it is safe. other wise go for it if she blows you off, oh well better now than in a month.. then again can't you give her a month??

I have read a few posts with people in similar situations to myself. Met a girl, fell for her, got too close and too nice too fast and scared her away. That happened to me also. The gifts I gave just made the situation worse I now understand all that. I did the "smart" thing and kept my distance. I communicated with her just every couple weeks and kept it short. Eventually she did write back. I wrote back to her then still keepign things simple, and she has done the same.


Now my problem is now what? We are writing back and forth a couple times a month, but nothing else has happened. I just tell her what I have been doing, and she does the same, and that's it. It's like we are both afraid to say anythign else. So what do I do now? I dont' want to ask her to go out if she's not ready, but how do I know? What might be a good thing to do at this point?

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