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Told my friend I liked her

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Well, here's the story. I've known this girl for about a year. I met her at work one day, but that was about it. Since she had a boyfriend at the time, I was just friends with her. Well, she broke up with her man about a year ago, and since then we really started to talk. We would text, go on break together, go to the movies, clubs, etc..


To be honest, I kinda fell for her. I've fell for other girls, but usually there was always something I didn't like about them. With her, I haven't found one thing that makes me regret meeting her. I finally had the courage the other night to tell her how I felt, but she said she's not looking for a relationship right now because of her past relationship wasn't too good. She said she has similar feelings for me, but just wants to focus on her life right now and I understand that. The thing is though, it's starting to get annoying when she always has a problem and I'm the first one she goes to, I've been the support friend with many girls and it's just getting old. I feel like I'm her boyfriend, but without the boyfriend part. I really like this girl, but I feel like I'm just wasting my time. I really don't want to stop talking to her, but I feel that's the only way to move on...

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This exact same thing happened to me last year. She is using you to make herself feel better. Just ignore her and move on, especially if you work with her. Be direct and keep it professional. Be prepared for an attention burst as she will most likely escalate things when you start to brush her off. Don't cave or you will only be setting yourself up for pain. You made the move and told her how you felt and thats all you can do. Be proud of yourself and find someone who appreciates you.

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She was never into you, she was using you as an emotional tampon. All the girls do. Youre not interesting and commanding enough for them to take you seriously. That means making moves quickly, not waiting a year. Plus you dont fall for a girl until after youre actually in a relationship with her. So cut her off, and take charge with the next girl. And you better do it, quick, because once you stop talking to her, swhe will grab the next bf that comes along, and it will hurt if you arent with someone already.


Youre being too nice and showing them that youre into them too soon, and youre not letting them earn their way to you. Thats why you keep ending up in these situations.

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These guys are right. You are getting tooled. You are letting her have her cake and eat it too. If she's not gonna treat you like a bf, don't treat her like a gf.

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