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Making up

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My girlfrend really wanted me to goto this car show becuz she wuz modelling there. I missed. How do I make it up to her. I dont have that much money on me and i dont have a car to take her newhere..wut can i do thats short, simple, and the point yet it shows her how sorry i am?

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I know that for me, a gesture would only mean something if it were accompanied by a sincere apology. I would respect a guy, as with anyone, if they can apologise to your face, not using any cliched lines, no excuses, and taking the blame totally on to themselves. Make her believe that you care about her, and that should not be negated by the fact that you slipped up this time. If you have a habit of doing this, it may be a little harder, and perhaps time for you to reconsider your attitude to the relationship, but if it's just a one off, then you should be fine with an apology.


As for a compensating gesture, it would be nice nonetheless. Guys always seem to think it's the cost or elaborate nature of a gesture that counts. For me at least, it's not...it's all about spending time with the guy, considering she is interested in you, not what you have. Do something thoughtful that involves you making up the time you didn't spend with her by forgetting about the show. Maybe you could have a night where you do all the stuff that she likes to do, like get out her favourite movies and watch them together, or take her to do something that she likes to do. It shouldn't be about a 'one size fits all' romantic gesture like flowers or chocolates, they're actually kind of insulting as they show that no thought has gone into it. Like cliched apologies, I really hate it.


Hope it helps, and good luck.

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