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Do you guys like this kind of porn?

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I really would like to know how many men think other men watch this kind of porn then don't. How many men out there that have families are closing their doors at night to get off on 18 year old girls being smacked around and damanged?


I wish you would get your thens and thans sorted out, usually I can tease out what you probably meant but sometimes like this it's just not clear.

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So you wouldn't judge a man who likes child pornography? You don't think that watching that says something fundamental about his character? I certainly think that the sort of porn a man watches says a lot about how he views women, and I'd be very wary of a man who enjoyed watching women being abused.


OP, when your bf said that "maybe" he likes that sort of porn, that's as good as saying "yes"... only he didn't want to come right out and say "yes" in case you freaked out, so he said "maybe", but the fact remains that he didn't say "no"! I think he was probably gauging your reaction to the sort of porn he likes. You can be fairly sure that if you remain in a relationship with him he will probably want to indulge his desires at some point, which will result in violence against yourself... maybe if you fell in love with him you might even agree to it just to make him happy, and I don't think it would be very pleasant for you to participate in... it could result in pain, serious physical damage, and even death depending on how far he wants to go.


Again, as I said before, each to their own... what two consenting adults choose to do is up to them, as long as they both enjoy it... my concern here is that the OP will end up doing something that she isn't really into, something painful and possibly dangerous, to gratify this man's sexual desires. OP, if you're certain that you don't want that kind of sex, make it very clear to your bf that you will never be doing this together. If he chooses to leave the relationship because of that then so be it... although personally I'd have to rethink the whole relationship because imo his sexual desires depict him as a violent and uncaring individual who is most definitely not bf/husband material.


Thanks Thornton! Yes, when he said "maybe" I did take that to mean, "yes". And I do think he was trying to see what my reaction was.


I have since talked with him last night. I just explained to him that I thought things were moving a little fast, and that maybe we need to take a break. Of course he was shocked and started in with the questions. I guess I can't much blame him since this kind of came out of no where.


I really wasn't sure how to handle the situation, or what to say really. Other than the whole weird porn thing, things seem fine. So naturally he isn't sure of what is going on. I do not want to just some out and say, "well you know, the porn you look at is odd and dangerous to me", because I don't know how he might react. Personally

I don't think I even need to go there with the whole porn thing. I think if I can get away with bowing out of this as gracefully as possible that would be great.



I just told him that it was moving fast for me and and I didn't know what else to say. He seemed disappointed and a little hurt. I felt bad. I hope I made the right choice. In my heart and mind, I feel I have. I'm startign to wonder now, if this man was into this kind of porn thing, what must that say about me? Did I give off a, "Im weak vibe?" Did I come across as someone who might want to be treated like that? I sure hope not. I thought I was a pretty confident independent woman.

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Perhaps you should bite the bullet and talk to him about it? If the relationship seems fine otherwise, then perhaps he deserves a chance to at least explain himself and talk about why he likes that sort of porn, how far he would want to take such practices, and how it impacts upon your relationship. Some people have bizarre fantasies which they want to remain fantasies, and they would never act upon them or think such things are acceptable in real life, it's just something they get off on thinking about. For example, many women have rape fantasies, but they would never want to be raped in real life, nor do they find rape to be acceptable under any circumstances... they just like to fantasise about being dominated. Similarly many men fantasise about being the sexual aggressor, although they're totally against violence and would never want to hurt someone.


At the very least, I think this guy deserves to know why you no longer want to date him, if that's what you've decided... I just think that if someone is going to end a relationship then they at least owe the other person a truthful explanation of why. It's terrible being dumped when you don't even know what you've done wrong. He may actually be a decent guy who just likes thinking about certain things but would never deem them acceptable in real life; if the relationship is fine otherwise then perhaps you should determine how deep the rabbit hole goes before making a decision about whether or not to call off the relationship.

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That is why I said take a "break" to him. I need time to step back and see what may or may not be happening. I would surely give him the chance to explain. Its just I was also told to tread lightly because you never know what a persons intentions are or how they might react. So I'll be taking this slow. He called earlier and left a message saying he was just checking on me. So Maybe I'll cal him back and we can talk.

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Jersey Shortie
He seemed disappointed and a little hurt. I felt bad. I hope I made the right choice. In my heart and mind, I feel I have. I'm startign to wonder now, if this man was into this kind of porn thing, what must that say about me? Did I give off a, "Im weak vibe?" Did I come across as someone who might want to be treated like that? I sure hope not. I thought I was a pretty confident independent woman.


I think his attraction to certain types of porn doesn't says anything about the type of woman you are. That's his issues. Not yours.


I think what matters is that you feel you made the right choice in your heart and head, at least for now.


I would ask yourself that if you do continue a relationship with him, if you aren't always going to have certain questions in the back of your mind.

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Nikki Sahagin

Well I am quite open-minded sexually and I don't mind a little bit of force (as in two-way force; sometimes they are forceful, sometimes you are.) I do occassionally watch pornography thats quite rough because I don't find it interesting to watch the gentler stuff. However as I watch it I don't find anything wrong with it, once i've..., I feel a little guilty and disgusted? Not because i've...., but because I think about the whole industry and porn itself and I do have a negative view of it. I think porn for women is always a double edged sword because you can enjoy it, but then you know the reality that women are not happy in those industries.


I don't know that the men are 'happy' necessarily but I believe 100% that men can seperate emotion from sex. This is how they can sleep around, cuss a woman the next day...even for some more sadistic ones...rape and murder. Women normally don't do that, and when they do, its because they are searching for love. A lot of what women do sexually, is all in the quest for love and acceptance.


A friend said to me women can fake sex for mens sake.

And men can fake relationships for the womans sake.

Both parties, kind of...fake something to keep the other happy.


I do think though that because anyone can access the internet, people watch porn and it warps their perception of healthy relationships. I remember at around 12/13/14 when guys would treat you like absolute s*** because they saw it in a porno. The way they talk about you, talk to you, act around, is all designed to put you down and embarrass ands humiliate you. I think men generally do have a preoccuption with power, because they can't be men unless women are women. I don't believe all men of course, but a lot i've met and know, have this weird power fixation. I remember watching a movie with a LONG-TERM male friend when he suddenly grabbed my arm tightly and said "You are so small I could break your arm in a second if I wanted to" and tried to push me over - so I left quite sharpish.


I think this is why I am such a control freak, because I have experienced men in real life who are like this and it saddens me. I think all human beings are wired for love, but I think women usually value love more highly and many men are quite content with just sex. As it is after all, sadly, a mans world, the woman can only function in it as best she can. Some submit to the order of the day....others stand outside of it, but its lonely.


A lot of my partners don't like my 'feminist' views but I still feel them, because its how they can affect my self-worth. You can only be treated how you want to. Now these women, whether its drugs, sex-addiction, self-esteem, whatever...if they WANT to be treated like that.....let them. You can't campaign for everybody. We also must consider many men in porn who are beaten/humiliated/put through pain. I watched a documentary about this a few years back where a guy was beaten and humilated etc by a woman, so though it is more male on female, it does happen the other way around.


I think a lil pain and roughness is fun in sex but SERIOUS pain and damage and humilation - is plain weird. Also a lil roughness in a loving relationship is compensated for by the fact that there IS love. But with a stranger - isn't it simply abuse? Consentual or not?


When you think about porn though, really its all a little sick.

Straight guys forced to have sex with men.

Endless viagra.

Never any condoms (apparantly kids have picked up therefore that unprotected sex is safe)



I think porn is making stuff that is mostly of fantasy, or that most people don't really want, normal and desirable.

I know I would never want a gangbang....so when I watch things like that, I think...what is going on in these peoples heads?


Porn is a thorny issue because it reflects how societys perception of sex has changed. Now it is completely about fun or power/control, rather than about love. I think this is reflected in many relationships nowadays. Of course, this is ignoring the happy stories.

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It's a relatively new thing in porn, it's become a lot more common in just very recent years.


I'm very into it. "Forced deep throat". Where the guy grabs the girl's head, shoves it down her throat, gagging, choking, and drooling... mmhmm... I don't care much for the vomiting, a lot of it doesn't actually have that much vomiting. Just depends on the girl.


Yeah, some of it takes itself pretty seriously, a lot of it isn't "acting" and as far as the slapping goes, it's real. Although it doesn't do much for me. I like some of the other stuff the do, like spitting in their face, pinching their nose shut, holding them down on it...


I always love when a topic about this gets started, and a big controversy over it is stirred up. I'm always entertained by the people who are are troubled and worried by it, and voice their concerns for society and women as a result.

Edited by Des
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I guess what worrries me about this is the question on how many men are into this. I bet it's more then we even knwo because what man would admit to anyone he knows that he likes to abuse women? And how many young kids, boys and girls, with access to the internet come across this stuff? :confused:


Tons, I assure you. For example, there is an adult streaming "tube site" (similar to Youtube, but for porn) called Xhamster which features a video simply titled "gagging". As of right now, the video has 86,705 views and is rated 5 stars on an average of 254 votes. That's just one little clip of many on the site like it, and just one site of many just like that.


86,000? That's more than the population of some small cities. If that doesn't put a scare into you, you should see some of the comments written on these videos.


Secondly, abusing someone unwilling is battery, that's one thing. "Abusing" another consenting adult in the realm of sexuality is quite another. Personally, I see nothing wrong with the latter. You're going to tell me every man and woman ever into the concept of sexual domination and submission are insane?

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Abuse and domination are two completely, completely different things. Still, in porn, one can never be sure whether or not consent (free of coercion) was truly obtained. Assuming it was, though, I don't see what's wrong with ANY sort of porn (short of child porn, of course).


I don't see what's the big deal about forced deep-throat, to be honest. I do it with my SO, and of course we make sure that it doesn't go to the point where I have to vomit. But it's really great fun if you enjoy that sort of BDSM.


Of course, I definitely agree that OP should hightail it out of there if her guy begins to insist that she do that just for his enjoyment, even if she doesn't like it! Still, it doesn't seem from her post that he's anywhere close to suggesting that.

Edited by Elswyth
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  • 3 weeks later...

I was searching before making a said thread and found this one. It is about 20 days dead... hopefully not too long!


I love to watch deep throat porn, it is no doubt my favorite. I had always been into blow job porn and then I found my heaven.


I completely love that ****, but the throwing up is absolutely repulsive. Some have it in the title, and some you just happen upon. It totally ruins my masturbation and I have to stop and try again later.


Heather Brooke was the first girl I ever saw doing this and I got real into it. She doesn't seem to have a problem at all with it, and even seems to enjoy bringing whoever that lucky man is to his orgasms that way.


As time has gone on, it seems the forceful humiliating deep throating has taken more popularity. This is a shame because these acts are not things MOST women are going to be willing to do, yet it sets men up to want that in their sex life too. I know after seeing Heather Brooke doing her thing, that was something I wanted.


I absolutely love when my girl puts her head of the edge of the bed and lets me basically have sex with her mouth, however whenever I hear that reflex, I immediately feel bad for her and it makes me go a bit softer and wanna do something different.


Interesting thread...

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There's a niche for just about any kind of porn you can imagine. But I don't think the gag-her-with-you-dick demographic is all that huge.


You need to understand a couple of things:


1) All men look at porn. ALL MEN.


2) What porn men enjoy may or may not have much to do with what they would like to try sexually. Sometimes guys watch sex acts they'd like to participate in. Other times, what makes porn enticing is precisely the fact that they acts depicted are so outrageous--things a guy would never really want to do.


This shouldn't so hard to understand. There are plenty of straight women who enjoy lesbain porn but would never want to have lesbian sex. There are women who have fantasies about forced sex but would never, ever really want to be raped.

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Jersey Shortie

Some of the comments from the guys here should really be noted because it says something very telling about are society and what men have become due to their avid porn watching.


The women here should really be taking note. And the men should be taking note of themselves and ask themselves hard questions that I don't think they want to ask themselve at the end of the day.


What do I see? I see more men then ever sadly obessed with porn and more willing to negate women as human beings just to pull one out. What makes a man? Not one who likes to hurt women, I'll tell you that. Maybe in today's society, men feel so little within themselves, they get off on seeing women abused and belittled.


I am just really stunned by the amount of men here that are into the kind of porn discussed here and I think that this is only going to keep progressing to be much more worse and even much more accepted.



Tons, I assure you. For example, there is an adult streaming "tube site" (similar to Youtube, but for porn) called Xhamster which features a video simply titled "gagging". As of right now, the video has 86,705 views and is rated 5 stars on an average of 254 votes. That's just one little clip of many on the site like it, and just one site of many just like that.


86,000? That's more than the population of some small cities. If that doesn't put a scare into you, you should see some of the comments written on these videos.


Secondly, abusing someone unwilling is battery, that's one thing. "Abusing" another consenting adult in the realm of sexuality is quite another. Personally, I see nothing wrong with the latter. You're going to tell me every man and woman ever into the concept of sexual domination and submission are insane?


It already scares me. ANd the millions of women out there that have any type of man in her life should be scared to. Men no longer want to protect women. Apparently they want to see them gagged and slapped around. What does that say about you and the other men that enjoy that? I can tell you right now that it doesn't bode well for real masculinity.


I am sure alot of the comments would physically and emotionall hurt. Especially for women. But hey? Women don't deserve respect or kindness right? We just deserve to be smacked around and gagged. That's the message. That must be what "real" men do.


While abusing someone that is unwilling is different then "abusing" someone that is, that doesn't mean that it's any less determental to the mental health of men and women being more exposed to these kind of videos. If these kind of videos have esculated to the point where more and more men like to hurt women in the process of sex, rather then bring her pleasure, I don't see this going anywehre good. What physical pleasure is a woman suppose to get from having her breath cut off and made to gag? Vomit on herself? Or be slapped around? Don't sit there and pretend that everything is all good and men are healthy and that this is just a case of sub/dom play and it's all good. It's not. It's scarey. And the grown men that have little girls should be scared out of their minds for the kind of young men we have already breed and are breeding. men aren't men anymore. Apparently alot of men get off on women being depicted as being abused and being the abusers. Now you can prattle on about it just being "sex" and "all men do it". But if all men do it, that's not exactly saying aything to be proud of. And no, holding a womans nose to cut off her air supply isn't sex and that's not about domination. That's about humilation.


All in all, I am pretty disgusted with the type of porn we are discussing and SHOCKED that anyone can be turned on by something that is about abusing and humilating women. I thought some stuff was bad enough but really, I question if there really are any real men out there anymore if this is what men need to see to get it up.


If you are a man that likes extreme abuse and humilation of women, you have probably spent ALOT of time looking at porn and have a VERY warped idea of women. You are probably even a little bitter , misgnoistic, and think you are a better human being then women. Maybe you are nice to your mom and your gf to her face, but you clearly don't think women deserve to be treated like people. There is something lost in masculinity today. And this thread is a great example of that.

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Jersey Shortie
I do think though that because anyone can access the internet, people watch porn and it warps their perception of healthy relationships. I remember at around 12/13/14 when guys would treat you like absolute s*** because they saw it in a porno. The way they talk about you, talk to you, act around, is all designed to put you down and embarrass ands humiliate you. I think men generally do have a preoccuption with power, because they can't be men unless women are women. I don't believe all men of course, but a lot i've met and know, have this weird power fixation. I remember watching a movie with a LONG-TERM male friend when he suddenly grabbed my arm tightly and said "You are so small I could break your arm in a second if I wanted to" and tried to push me over - so I left quite sharpish.


Yeah, I have had similiar experiences. I have been with men who thought porno sex made them a good lover. Guess what guys? It doesnt'.


This whole thread is just heart breaking. Women don't have a chance in a world of men that behind closed doors what to abuse women.

But it does seem that men today like to humilate women and discard them. It's no wonder that relationships between men and women today aren't better. I had guys say to me before "wow I could break you" Because I am pretty petite. Why the hell would you want to "break" me? What happened to men wanting to protect women instead of "break" them down?

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Understand that porn is a fantasy, often times people watch things that they like to imagine doing, but would never actually do, like group sex or something, a lot of guys like watching porn with two or three guys and one girl, but would never actually do it. If you're uncomfortable with it just tell you're boyfriend you'd prefer to watch something else, and make sure he knows never to try it with you.

Every guy has different fetishes, just know he could have some that are much, much worse

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JersieShorty, your views on this are pretty standard Andrea Dworkin, sex-negative boilerplate. And that's fine. What I have come to realize is that this is one battle I really don't need to bother fighting.


Why not? Because if I am right, and if an interest in porn is a perfectly natural part of being male, no war on porn is ever, ever going to succeed. The prospects of a succesful war on porn are even worse than the prospects of a successful war on drugs. As long as male homo sapiens walk planet earth, there will be an audience for porn. And so long as there is an audience for it, it will continue to exist in some form, to some degree.


So say what you like. Publish what you will. Lead Take Back the Night marches as far and wide as your legs will carry you. It won't make a tiny bit of difference. Not ever.

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What physical pleasure is a woman suppose to get from having her breath cut off and made to gag? Vomit on herself? Or be slapped around?


Hard core masochists with kinks like this sort of treatment. There are women who like to be choked, beaten, tied up and forced to orgasm, who like to be asphyxiated, who like to be brutally throat f*cked until they choke and/or vomit, etc. It sounds shocking to you, but to women in that scene - it is simply a collection of ways to get off psychologically, mentally and physically. This sort of thing has been around since long before widespread availability of porn.

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Jersey Shortie
Understand that porn is a fantasy, often times people watch things that they like to imagine doing, but would never actually do, like group sex or something, a lot of guys like watching porn with two or three guys and one girl, but would never actually do it. If you're uncomfortable with it just tell you're boyfriend you'd prefer to watch something else, and make sure he knows never to try it with you.

Every guy has different fetishes, just know he could have some that are much, much worse


Of coures porn is fantasy. What does this have to do with explaining why men now like to see women abused in fantasy? How much worse can it get then wanting to smack girls around and spit in their faces and hold their nose?


JersieShorty, your views on this are pretty standard Andrea Dworkin, sex-negative boilerplate. And that's fine. What I have come to realize is that this is one battle I really don't need to bother fighting.


I am sorry but this is a big joke. Now my views are negative on sex because I think there is something seriously wrong with an increasingly demand in porn that is about slapping women around, choking them, pinching their nose and other abusive acts? What about any of those acts are suppose to physically turn on a woman? Or is that not what matters? What matters is the man is turned on and the woman is nothing more then a plastic, empty tool and ends to a means?


Why not? Because if I am right, and if an interest in porn is a perfectly natural part of being male, no war on porn is ever, ever going to succeed.


That's the problem right there. You define your masculinity through your ability to look at porn. SEX is a perferctly natural part of being male or female. And interest in seeing sex even. But what porn is and has become doesnt' have anything to do with what is natural. And if you really can't see how messed up it is that men enjoy chocking, slapping and using women like that, then there is something seriously wrong here.


The prospects of a succesful war on porn are even worse than the prospects of a successful war on drugs. As long as male homo sapiens walk planet earth, there will be an audience for porn. And so long as there is an audience for it, it will continue to exist in some form, to some degree.


So what? What does that have to do with anything I brought up to discuss? If you want to define your masculinity by your ability to want to view porn, that's your business. I think men can be much more then that. And there is a huge difference between having an interest in sex and the medium of what porn has become and the the amount of men that spend time veiwing it today.


So say what you like. Publish what you will. Lead Take Back the Night marches as far and wide as your legs will carry you. It won't make a tiny bit of difference. Not ever.


That's where you are wrong. There are alot of men that have an inner battle iwth themselves and porn use. And women too. ANd people change their opinions on it regularly. I have been told by many posters, not just here, that they really respect and agree with my viewpoints.


The problem with you is you rather go after me personally then discuss the topic. If you don't think there is something wrong with men today that like to see women abused and get pleasure for it, you are fooling yourself.

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Jersey Shortie
Hard core masochists with kinks like this sort of treatment. There are women who like to be choked, beaten, tied up and forced to orgasm, who like to be asphyxiated, who like to be brutally throat f*cked until they choke and/or vomit, etc. It sounds shocking to you, but to women in that scene - it is simply a collection of ways to get off psychologically, mentally and physically. This sort of thing has been around since long before widespread availability of porn.


No doubt. But with more access to porn it looks like more men want to make this the "norm". And we have to ask ourselves are physcholigical affects it has on us and kids that grow up with it viewing it as "normal".


It amazes me that people will rally against me. I think some men here are afraid to look within themselves or admit why they like porn that abuses young women. The general concept is that women are worthless to men and it's expressed over and over and over again in porn. Men are abusive brutes, as showcased in the type of porn we are talking about, and women are made to be abused. Men shouldn't be any more happy with the way they are being protrayed. It's all just really sad. It seems like people are just so numb to it they don't care. But when you have daughtesr or when your daughters grow up and her husband/boyfriend/friends with benefits wants to choke and slap her around, I bet you would care. But that's what women deserve right? Men deserve respect and to be treated with it and women don't. Thta's the repeat theme in porn. So hey thanks guys for showing us women were we belong. Apparently we don't belong anywhere were we deserve to be respected.

Edited by Jersey Shortie
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JersieShorty, To be clear: there is a lot of porn that I find offensive. That includes the choking/slapping type you're objecting to. I get it.


What I don't agree with is the idea that there are some kinds of images--sexual and/or violent ones--that have some special, magical power other kinds of images do not. Was it Dworkin or MacKinoon who wrote, "pornography is the theory; rape is the practice?" What bull! Everybody knows what the "practice" of porn is: masturbation.


There are many, many sources of misongyny in the world. Has it occured to you that some of the worst (or at least most blatent) misogynistic practices occur in societies in which pornography is largely absent?


You have every right to criticize porn. But I truly believe the importance some segments of the women's movement attach to porn is out of proportion to porn's overall weight in the culture. I think rail-thin fashion models are doing far more to distorts men's (and women's) views about body image and sexuality than porn is.

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No doubt. But with more access to porn it looks like more men want to make this the "norm". And we have to ask ourselves are physcholigical affects it has on us and kids that grow up with it viewing it as "normal".



I'm not sure that the sort of stuff I'm talking about is the norm. A lot of guys I know who I have showed stuff like that to were shocked by it, and didn't even know stuff like that existed. This is strictly fringe stuff.


The 'vanilla' stuff (as I like to call it) is becoming a 'norm'. It seems that porno women are setting the standard for beauty (fake boobs, shaved, bleached anuses, etc). Normal women are being airbrushed right out of existence it seems.


Plenty of men still like 'natural' women, but it is a sad commentary when normally haired vaginas, natural boobs, and normal sized and shaped women are considered 'fetishes', as opposed to the 'norm' of the fakery that is porn.

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Jersey Shortie

I have no clue if it was Dworkin or Mackinoon who said what. I don't even know who MacKinoon is and I don't care. I am just a girl here who is deeply disturbed to see a certain trend amoung men today that I don't think is promising of the future. Especially for women who are more times then not the one being humilated and debased as described in these movies with their consent or not. I never said it was going to make men rape women. And for you to try to play off my opinion by associating my name with extreme feminists or as if even being a feminist makes you wrong or extreme automatically, isn't right. Or to say that I am anti-sex just because of my view point on this porn is wrong.


I think we have already see some small affects of porns affect on society and how many people look at it more today then ever before, and the problems people face personally and on a society scale. To not be honest about those cause and affects, is to not be honest with the state-of-affairs that men and women are in right now. You have NO clue what it's like to be a woman sitting here and how many men are like "oh yeah i love seeing a woman gagged, pinched,smacked". It makes you wonder how many men like jsut that and what men *really* think about women deep down. I think porn is a relfection of alot more then just "masturbation". Men are just as deeply pyschological as women. And porn is a reflection of that dark pyschology.


Some of the most obvious misogonistic practices occur with societies that have no porn. But not always the worse. However, the absense of porn in a scoiety that treats women like they don't matter is not a reflection of what happens when porn isn't part of society. As you are trying to imply.


You think rail-thin modesl in fasion are more harmful. And I think rail-thin breast implanted startlets willing to do anything to make themselves stand out and create unrealistic expecationss of sex that men are consuming more regularly today then ever is more harmful. More often, porn is a reuglar diet for men today and women then the fashion world. And at least in the fashion world women aren't being called names and smacked around. But if that's how men today want to see women treated, then that's what you can find. Just don't be surprised why women today don't hold much respect for men. maybe because men today rather sit infront of their ocmputers watching women get abused then interact in real life.

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That should have read "MacKinnon"--as in Katherine MacKinnon. She is a Canadian legal scholar and anti-porn activist who, along with the late American academic Andrea Dworkin, pursuaded a city in Canada to ban "obscene" material on the grounds it violated the civil right of women. The ordinance had little effect on porn per se. However, it had a chilling effect on the distribution of gay and lesbian literature. Ironically, among the books impounded by Canadian authorities for being "obscene" were some of Dworkin and MacKinnon's own works!


So much for that anti-porn crusade.


Look, I agree the kind of porn you described is offensive. But the overwhelming majority of porn is NOT of this variety. Violent porn is a niche market. It does not represent what most men are looking at. I think your assumption that men are being conditioned en masse to enjoy watching the simulated torture of women is just wrong.


I believe you when you say you think men are just as psychologically complex as women. Unfortunately, many anti-porn crusaders seem to disagree. To them, porn affects men the way raw meat affects dogs. They see men as simple beasts--brutish, violent, and repulsive simply becasue their sexuality is somewhat different than women's. Sorry but that offends ME.


And your claim that men today would rather sit and watch porn than interact with real women is just pure nonsense. There is a small subset of men for whom porn is a problem. Just as there are people who obsessively eat, watch TV, chat online, exercise, or even wash their hands. To take the most troubled segment of the male population and make them representative of one half the human race is terribly unfair.

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I think anywhere someone is being abused, there is a problem.


If you constantly watch women abused, it does have a negative effect.


However, deep throat alone is not enough to be considered abuse... though it does not seem this is what you all are talking about.


The gagging, choking, and even vomiting is just horrible. A huge amount of young children (10-15, maybe younger), guys especially, are able to, and are, accessing this porn.


You can say "oh it is just a fantasy" and maybe it is for you, however for someone who started out their sexual life seeing women abused, choked, and gagged by penises ends up with a tainted idea of sex.

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Jersey Shortie

That's what I am saying too Mahatam. But not guys ever seem to want to address that.




That should have read "MacKinnon"--as in Katherine MacKinnon. She is a Canadian legal scholar and anti-porn activist who, along with the late American academic Andrea Dworkin, pursuaded a city in Canada to ban "obscene" material on the grounds it violated the civil right of women. The ordinance had little effect on porn per se. However, it had a chilling effect on the distribution of gay and lesbian literature. Ironically, among the books impounded by Canadian authorities for being "obscene" were some of Dworkin and MacKinnon's own works!


So much for that anti-porn crusade.


So what? What does this have to do with anything I was saying?


Look, I agree the kind of porn you described is offensive. But the overwhelming majority of porn is NOT of this variety. Violent porn is a niche market. It does not represent what most men are looking at. I think your assumption that men are being conditioned en masse to enjoy watching the simulated torture of women is just wrong.


How do you know how much of porn is the "over-whelming majority". enough is out there that we are able to carry on a more then few page thread where more then several men have admitted to liking this exact kind of porn. Is violent porn really a niche market or is it becoming bigger and bigger? It's been said by porn produces themselves that the demand for more graphic porn because stronger and stronger. The mere fact that we are even discussing this type of porn is proof enough that someamount of men are infact conditioning themselves to respond to something that is pretty disturbting. And i suspect that will only get worse considering the level of young kids today that have access to the internet and the increase in these kind of things.



I believe you when you say you think men are just as psychologically complex as women. Unfortunately, many anti-porn crusaders seem to disagree. To them, porn affects men the way raw meat affects dogs. They see men as simple beasts--brutish, violent, and repulsive simply becasue their sexuality is somewhat different than women's. Sorry but that offends ME.


It SHOULD offend you. That's how porn projects men too, not just "anti-porn Crusaders". (I do love though that if your anti-porn, pro-porn users love to make you sound like your a nut job just because you think there is someting wrong with porn). Anytime I have seen a porn the men do apear brutish, dominate, not worried about the woman or her pleasure. Oh sure she is moaning like a train wreck but there is nothing there that is about bringing real pleasure to women. You should be offended. But you should als obe offended at how porn protrays men.


And your claim that men today would rather sit and watch porn than interact with real women is just pure nonsense.


Is it? Is that why so man ywomen struggle with coming home and seeing their man zoned out infront of the tv or internet or so many lie about their porn use and "sneak it" or that porn is a billion dollar industry where more men today, more then ever before in history spend time viewing it?


There is a small subset of men for whom porn is a problem.


I think there is more thetn a "small subset of men for whom porn is a problem'. Porn has become somethign that you can now get in the privacy of your home, that you don't have to pay for or be held accountable for. Porn is a much bigger probelm then you or other men want to admit to themselves. This country isn't just fat on bad food. And to think that we are a anation that can't control our food intake but can control our porn intake is absurd. I infact think porn is a deeper set issue for the fact that its now cheap, free, and easy to get on levels that it was never before. Infact, talk to any relationship councelor or physcologists and they wil ltell you that they have seen an increase in relationships dysfuctions due to porn in the last 10 years.


Just as there are people who obsessively eat, watch TV, chat online, exercise, or even wash their hands. To take the most troubled segment of the male population and make them representative of one half the human race is terribly unfair. JerseyShortie,


well consider that most of the nation is obese, and porn has no physical affects and is free and easily hidden in the privacy of your home, I think it's a bigger threat then are fat country.

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That's what I am saying too Mahatam. But not guys ever seem to want to address that.


A few typos there kind of confuse me, but I am a guy if you did not realize. If you did, then ignore my post.


I think the problem is not many guys here, if any, know the male race better than they know themselves. They compare all men to themselves and the way they think.


I can watch some porn with a girl being forced to give deep throat and it wont affect me the same way it would a 12 year old. I have had oral sex with multiple women and know how it REALLY is. Someone who is just starting to be introduced to the world of sex sees this porn, and thinks it is the norm.... especially when it is in the majority of porn clips now.


Seems like now gagging is beginning to show its ugly head in many clips.


Guys like that ****. I wont lie, I have gotten off on a few gagging clips, but I do prefer the girls who can strait up inhale a dick with no problem. The hardcore gagging, drool running down the face, nose pinching, eye shadow running stuff is just bad.


These kinds of things were around when I started watching porn I am sure, but not at the level they are now.

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