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This will be a longer post but i would really, really appreciate it if you guys read it and give me advice because i have no idea what to do..


I am 22 years old and 4 months ago i moved out of my parents house and and got my apartment. Main reason i wanted to move out is because i didnt want drama and i wanted to focus 100% on school and finish it. My best friend asked me to move in w me and i told him no as i didnt want any drama. I even quit my job so that i can focus on school. Well my sister moved out at age 19 and started living with roomates. 10 days before i moved into my apartment her friends decided not to extend the lease as some of them were moving on with their lives, getting married or going to their parents house. Anyway she is now 20 and was living in a HOTEL for about one week paying 40 dollars a day.


So when i got my apartment she asked to move in with me for 1.5 months until i start school and because i LOVE my sister i agreed. She couldnt move back in w my parents because she is not cool with my dad they dont talk and i dont blame her , he is an *******. So when she moved in i told her that she can live with me , DOESNT HAVE TO PAY ANYTHING TO LIVE WITH ME SO SHE CAN SAVE MONEY. She didnt have a car, lost her wallet with green card in it and drivers licanse, basicly she has no documents. SO thats why i told her she dont have to pay anything and i would drive her to work and back... only thing she has to pay is gas for my car. So 1.5 months later , she ended up giving me about $200 for gas even though i spent way more but thats ok i love my sister. SO 2 days before i am suppose to start school i ask her what is going on how much money she saved and what does she plan on doing. She says she has no idea what she will do and SHE DIDNT SAVE ANY MONEY!!!!!! At this point i am pissed because she only payed me 20 dollars and all that time she was going out w her friends and buying clothes... i couldnt believe it. I WAS PISSED and started yelling at her for not saving money and not thinking ahead of what she will do. She starts crying immediately goes out of apartment and starts texting her friends. I feel bad after that , tell her to come in and have a talk with her.


I get really emotional, and i even start crying... i am not usually emotional and i dont cry easily but i couldnt believe that someone could be so iresponsible and ungreatful. So she starts telling me how she will give me all the money from now on so i can save it for her.. In two weeks she saved 450 dollars and ended up having 350 after paying me for gas so she was able to pay for her lost green card. After that she stopped giving me money and i assumed she will save money on her own... I also told her taht when i start school i will not drive her and she said her friend will drive her. Her friend drove her to work for one week and said she couldnt so i continue driving her. Fast forward to this morning she really pissed me off. Again she has saved 0$ money but whats even worse is the way she is acting. Today she cleaned my clothes (she doest it with hers ONCE every week) and when she came by i asked her to wash my pot so that I CAN COOK some food before i start going to school. Immediately she starts saying how she just washed my clothes and how i should clean the pot my self. On top of that she was saying how i woke up so late, i was studying until 3am and woke up at 11am... is that so wrong? Even if it was wrong this is my apartment i can do whatever i want and sleep however long i want. Also i am older than her and she shouldnt be telling me what to do especially since i pay all the freaking bills.? SO she wouldnt wash the pot until i pressed for it. HERE SHE IS LIVING WITH ME FOR 4 MONTHS, PAYS NO UTILITIES , NO RENT, I DRIVE HER TO WORK 4 DAYS A WEEK , PUTTING 45 MILES ON MY CAR EVERYTIME I HAVE TO DRIVE HER TO WORK.... AND SHE IS COMPLAING ABOUT WASHING MY CLOTHES WITH HER CLOTHES ONCE A WEEK. On top of that she is complaining about having to wash one pot... she barely cleans anything in apartment and the restroom is junky from all her make up and stuff.


This morning i woke up in very good mood, was happy and everything and she just killed the mood. I had 3 classes today from 12-9:45 pm and i could barely pay attention, i was so pissed and dissapointed. I dont understand how she could be so freakin ungreatful and this is the exact reason why i wanted to be by my self.




SHE is my sister and i cant kick her out on the street.. she still has no car, no money, and her green card hasnt even arrived yet although she has applied for it. SHe cant get a licanse without green card.


I am sick of living with her as she is constantly pissing me off.. It is affecting my school and me constantly having to drive her to work and from work is killing my social life as i cannot go out anywhere because i have to pick her up from work or take her to work. she is treating this as a vacation, has some 20 yo boyfriend that she met and goes out almost every day.. SHe claims she doesnt spend any money and that he pays for everything but yet she doesnt have any money.. SHe is constantly on the phone texting and talking w her friends but yet none of them want to help her.


I already tried talking to her 2 times , sat her down got very emotional and told her what she was doing was wrong... I HATE IT BECAUSE I AM 22 AND I FEEL LIKE I AM A FATHER ALREADY. I just want to be a normal single guy looking for girls and focusing 100% on my work. I cant even bring any girls to my apartment because obviously making out w a girl or having sex with her is out of the picture if my sis is in the apartment. It is a 1 bedroom apartment.


I dont want to keep money for her as i already have to worry about all my bills and my school work.. She is 20 and should know how to save money..


GRRRR WHAT DO I DO... am i in the wrong here???

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I say SHE is RESPONSIBLE for her own decisions...if she doesn't save then fine. Your out of here. Its your life and you shouldn't ruin your life for her...


Thats just my opinion :)

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Look you done the decent thing by letting your sis stay and helping her to work. She's not being a good sister, if she can't take some responsibility (i would hate to be free-loading off anybody, let alone my own flesh and blood). Sounds to me she's not even trying hard enough!


Start acting like a big brother and don't let her walk over you. Time to give her an ultimatum. If she doesn't start pulling her weight, kick her back to the parent's.

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