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i have been seeing this guy for like 7 mths now but we have been seeing other people at the same time. So i did just that and i went out with ther guys even though i did't want to. But i did it , now one og the guys that i was seeing on the side wants to seriously go out with me but i dont want to go out with him i wan to go out with the guy i have been seeing for 7 months. So i talked to the 7 month guy and he said that he is not ready to comitt yet but he will be in the futuree. so i dont know where to go from here because i dont want to make the wrong descisiion because i really love him.

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What's your rush? Keep dating around and having fun. See if this guy you really like comes around. If he doesn't, you'll already be in the dating scene and be in a position to find someone to commit to.


The fact that the guy you really like wasn't ready, even though you told him someone else out there was interested, seems a little puzzling. I don't really think he is as into you as you are into him.


You might just put him on simmer and move on with your life. If he comes around, fine. But don't put your whole life on hold for a guy until he decides he is ready. He may NEVER be ready. And if he does become READY at some point, he may be READY for SOMEONE ELSE!!!

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