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How to talk to a girl who you know but she doesn't know you?

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There's a girl I have an interest in after seeing at a Wedding I attended recently and so undertook some inquiries through my cousin, whom she knows, to find out who she was and where she is studying.


I now know who she is and her school, but I don't believe she knows me, and therefore she didn't add me on a social network site. So I've currently no way to communicate with her (as I can't mail her as her profile is private) as I don't know where she hangs out except at my cousins from time to time.


How should I get to know her? The best I can currently think of is by trying to set up a "random" meeting at my cousins house someday when she's there. I worry that every moment I waste on this, the more time there is for her to end up meeting someone else, and from my previous experience, there's no way I can let myself be beaten to the prize again.

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Ask your cousin to tell this girl that YOU are family, and that your cousin gave you her name and that's why you asked to be be added to the girl's social network... this way, she might decide to add you because of the common friend/family member who can vouch for you.


Also, yes, you can always arrange to meet up at your cousin's place or when they next go out. It's hard to do the cold turkey introduction by yourself, far, far better to be introduced! Speak to your cousin asap

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I experienced the same thing you did once. I ended up getting her number from my best friend (in your case your cousin). And I just texted her...

I first told her who I was, and that it was nice meeting her. (I had talked to her on the wedding) And if she was interested that I would like to continue our conversation in any way. I immediately got a textmessage back and ended up dating her a few times. We became good friends as I wasn't ready for a relationship at that time. I never regretted dating her because she's become a very good friend of mine now and we still meet from time to time.


In all my experiences, I must say that it's always best to 'Take the lead and follow with the flow' ;)

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