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I was cheated on, now I'm the cheater =(

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He is John De**en. Don't know his user name on here and neither does fabulous.

Fabulous Chick is distressed. If this thread could be removed, and her LS account unbanned that would be great. Poor girl is in bits, so if anyone can help her, or has any ideas BEFORE her bf reads this that would great....


Even now I WOULD HATE my ex to read all my posts. There are ways and means of doing things, and Im sure she would have found her own way, but to sabotage her relationship like this is bang out of order. This is really really personal, what we all write on here, and I'm just raging that someone could be so low as to do this....


If anyone can help, or knows what to do please PM me. I'm sure you all can relate to how she must be feeling. No one would like this done to them.



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Dexter Morgan

People make me sick and also all of you banging on at a girl who has already made up her mind is pathetic!


in case you haven't noticed, she can't make up her mind. She flip flops more than a politician.

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I don't care if she flip-flops till Christmas. For another poster to out her is despicable.

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Dexter Morgan
I don't care if she flip-flops till Christmas. For another poster to out her is despicable.


I agree, but I wasn't replying to the comment of outting her.


by the way, did this person out her on the forum here? or on facebook?


I am assuming the mods removed a post, cuz I see nothing from a johndeere.

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Another poster said that she gave her e-mail address to this poster and he outed her on facebook. Is that right, Soul-bear?

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Yes, she gave her email to someone who she thought needed help in coping forum. I'm trying to find out who it is, but at the moment she is un-contactable. I can tell you straight off that she is a really great girl, and does not deserve this nor need it.

I'm so angry. This really is out of order.


The guy who tried to friend me on facebook is John Derren. So he obviously used her email address for YIM and found her on facebook and proceeded to rat her out and find out who the guy was.


Please take it from me, I know some of her posts go against the grain for some people on here, but she really does have a heart of gold. She helped me a lot and gave me a ton of her time when I needed somone.

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Say your piece and move on ... banging away at her like you are better than her is not cool ! :/

I did warn them, but nobody listened.


Yes, she gave her email to someone who she thought needed help in coping forum. ...The guy who tried to friend me on facebook is John Derren. So he obviously used her email address for YIM and found her on facebook and proceeded to rat her out and find out who the guy was.

What a f*cking a-hole. Why would someone do something so damn low?!? :mad:

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hmmmmm....sounds like this could have been someone who replied to this thread.....someone who was PMing her a lot-angry at her to fess up....There are 3 possible people......and they found her email through an old thread.


If you are reading this right now, I suggest, if you have the balls, you make right for what you have done. I'm not going to mention any names on here, but if it was you, you truly are pathetic. Call yourselfs upstanding members of LS??!!


Poor fabulous feels like she is going to die. Can you imagine reading this thread if you were her partner??? I would far rather hear it from her...

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I'm confused. I'm not saying it's right that someone did that, but why did OP post her email in an old thread, SoulBear?


If that is the case, is it possible it's not a normal LSer?


I'm glad this person who did this was banned, but I don't think it's right to point fingers at those replied to this thread or disagreed with OP.


There's a lot of lurkers out there, like most forums is there not?

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There is irony somewhere in here.


She tried to choose a path for someone and someone else choose a path for her. Oh well, we tried to warn her, but did she listen? She thought the anoniminity of the internet would save her, but it did not.


I hope she learns a valuable lesson from all her mistakes.

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I am sure I am going to get it for saying this, however, irony is quite right. I am not saying what this poster did is okay, but really she would be in a better situation if she had been honest. So many did say, the truth comes out. It is unfortunate that it had to happen like this. But it still did happen. I'm also confused, I thought she was breaking it off with him? Were they still talking on facebook (was it?)?


I am though, extremely confused. Did she put her email on a thread or did she give her email out? I hope everyone learns from this that if you are going to air out things, not to share your email with someone you don't know very well. You never know who is on the other side of the computer.

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It is done and I wish he didn't find out this way.



Ummm... you weren't going to tell him, so what way was he going to find out? I'm not trying to beat a dead horse or anything but I hope you learned from this, although in the back of my mind, I don't you think you did given this statement and how dead set you were against telling him.


Good luck in the future.

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Oh my god! I cant believe people are still saying "I told you so"


It makes me want to vomit into my own mouth! Whoever ratted you FC will get theirs, I totally saw where you were coming from


I hope it all turns out ok for you and dont worry, the judgers will one day be judged!

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You had no problems doing what you did.


You should of had no problems telling your BH what you did.


This is an example of that the risk for the truth will come out is real.


How much better if BH would of learnt from you.


You need to stop playing the victim. Poor HRFC needs an affair to make things better. Poor HRFC needs come first again she can't be honest with her BH. When her BH needs and deserves the truth.


You are still justifying what you did and refusal to tell your BH. Self justification does not make things right, self justification just makes one delusional.


Now you continue to blame shift your affair and the end result on others.

You did the wrong.


All someone else did was tell the truth. Telling the truth is not wrong.


You have not grown from this. Maybe someday you will. Only when you own up your part.

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Road, this OP is already hurting and needs to be left alone. I am all about the truth, another truth is that you should NEVER, EVER disclose somebodies personal info, to another person, either here or on FB or YIM, or anywhere. Leave her be.

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Road, this OP is already hurting and needs to be left alone. I am all about the truth, another truth is that you should NEVER, EVER disclose somebodies personal info, to another person, either here or on FB or YIM, or anywhere. Leave her be.


With all due respect BoldJack, and this isn't meant to be mean, but she gave out her information on a thread, herself.


I very much do not think it is okay someone used that to snitch her out. But she turned around and claimed this isn't how she wanted the boyfriend to find out. That makes little sense, seeing how as she was not going to tell him, and let him stay in the dark.


Many people are saying how whoever did this will get theirs, karma and such. But the reality is, karma did its thing on her.


I do not wish hurt upon anyone, however sometimes we need hurt and need our mistakes aired to come to terms with our errors. How else do we learn? When we have no consequences, how are we to learn from our errors? It hurts now, yes I'm sure, and that is not fun! But just maybe in the long run it was best to happen. Maybe she can look at this in a positive way and learn communication and honesty and will realize that will get you so much further. Maybe learning this, she will have healthier and better relationships in the future.

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How many times has there been a BS that has posted: I was in the dark, without a clue, my friends knew, why did they not tell WS was cheating, how it hurts that my friends did not tell me?


Enough times to make me remember the saying: if I only had a dollarfor everytime I ....


Unbelievable that she still paints herself as the victim, those that support her as a victim, that she should be supported to of kept on lying to her BH.

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