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is he after something im so right now!

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hi well basically i was friends with a guy in work for a while he had always been engaged the time i knew him but after a while he acted like he saw me more as a friend and we even met up a few times nothing happened but a bit of flirting and clumsy cuddles.... anyway i thought we were going somewhere but he ended up going off with some other girl who he is now engaged to also and living with her.


Its always been a bit strained between us i used to email him and text him but he stopped replying and we had a few little disagreements over it... Well its been a few months and hes being extremely nice to me and im highly suspcious since before for months he couldnt be bothered... whats he after!

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wel he was trying it on before taking me out for meals being overly touchy,suggestive then met this girl and stopped the flirting.... so yes he was doing alot it stopped and he was not bothering for ages didnt bother to reply to quite a few emails yet is now and actually appologising and being ovelry nice

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I'd suspect that his current relationship is not going so perfectly so he's testing the waters with you to see if you're still interested should the other one come to an end. I'd forget about him.

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do u think? i know its only a small thing but hes been overly nice before now he would just say hes too busy to reply and be shirty and now its ooh im sorry i didnt reply ....its weird hes even talking to me and its not the usual 1 word answers and short sentences!

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Maybe the fiance had him stop communicating with you because of insecurity. If he didn't have the courage to tell you this then that may be why you had to listen to all the dumb excuses he gave.


But him starting to show interest again definitely sounds like something is wrong with the fiance and he's trying to see if he has someone lined up before he makes a move. Sorry but I wouldn't bother with this guy - he sounds like he has no backbone.

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he just made out he was too busy to reply and had limited time!!! he hasnt text me aand i know its something little but when youre used to someone not replying to u and just getting one word answers and then all of sudden hes being all talkative,remembering to reply to me,actually appologising...etc...


U can understand why im like whats going on when the texts start then ill know something is up lol so u do think hes showing more interest and probs not in a 'friend' way?

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i do need some advice on this guys


Why? You never listen to any advice you get, you just start a new thread on the same subject a day or so later and start all over again.


Everywhere on the internet people are telling you to forget this jerk and get on with your life. He's not a friend, he's not a particularly nice guy. But you just don't want to hear it.

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