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ALF to D.

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Hey d,


I havent posted anything in a while and im sorry. Do you still remember me by the way? Well reply this and then ill update you, ok??,



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Hey There ALF :) Of course I remember you and all our correspondence. I was beginning to wonder if you had fallen off the face of the earth. I do look forward to hearing how all is going. Bring me up to date whenever you can. Love, D.

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Hey D,


Well heres my update. I havent been giving too much attention to the girl. For a while it seemed like it was working. But now, she just kinda lost interest. She doesnt really talk to me anymore. I think shes using reverse phycology now. So what do i do now? Do you think i should give her hints that i like her to get her nterest again?? I dont know if she still likes my GOOD friend still or not. Drop me a line,,



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Alf, it is so very difficult to read minds, but one can go by another's actions for whatever reasons they may be.


So she is not showing you so much attention now. Is she showing more attention to your best friend? Are they dating? If that is the case, I would say she has made her decision for the time being.


If she is not dating anyone else, there would be no problem with you letting her know you are interested, just don't come on like gangbusters like before (like you said, just drop hints). If she is dating someone else, you don't want to make yourself look foolish by telling her at this time that you are interested ... instead, just keep yourself available.


As I said before, this is the age where girls and guys date someone for a while, break up, then either go back together or move on to someone else.


I know you like her a whole lot, just don't do anything to compromise your dignity at this time or make yourself look so wanting of her in her eyes or the eyes of others.


Best of luck and please keep me posted. Love, D.

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