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"But I'm with him"

mr.dream merchant

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mr.dream merchant

As a female, what exactly does this statement mean? What are you stating when you say you're with a guy? What does you being with a guy physically, emotionally, etc..mean? I've heard it a few times when discussing male and female interactions while having a SO. Alot of times, girls always say "But it doesn't matter because I'm with him, nobody else." I understand the statement, but it throws me for a loop as well. Maybe because I'm a guy? That statement seems so....open ended, kind of like you're saying something but not really.


As a guy, I know that when I'm with someone, it could be very conditional. I could be with her as a **** Buddy, I could be with her in a serious relationship, etc...but one fact that never goes away is that, I'll always find lots of other women attractive, and at one point or another, will think "Wow that ass must look amazing with no pants on, etc. etc." about these women. There will always be a mildly strong and prevalent sexual attraction that I kind of have to force (using it loosely here, not so much a forcing act) myself to not act on that attraction.


So what does that "Oh yeah I flirt with other guys, but it doesn't matter because I'm with him" statement mean exactly? Because as a guy, and to me personally, that statement doesn't say/mean much. All its telling me is that you have a guy in your life that you're more serious with than others.


Ladies? :cool::cool:

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Yeah no one can be truly honest in this world, women are always afraid of what you think of them, rather than how you feel, so they will try to use hints to send you off, and you have to learn to read them. I dont like to encourage it, but it isnt going away, and it sucks. Lucky for me I lived by this long ago, and I dont run into vagueness anymore, because I bail out waaay before it comes to this.


"If its not a blatant YES, then its a NO."


That pretty much emliminates the need for guessing and wasting time.

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Yeah no one can be truly honest in this world, women are always afraid of what you think of them, rather than how you feel, so they will try to use hints to send you off, and you have to learn to read them. I dont like to encourage it, but it isnt going away, and it sucks. Lucky for me I lived by this long ago, and I dont run into vagueness anymore, because I bail out waaay before it comes to this.


"If its not a blatant YES, then its a NO."


That pretty much emliminates the need for guessing and wasting time.


That is quite true. And quite funny. I had a girlfriend who had to get all preppy before leaving her house because "What will the people think?"


"what does it matter, my love? They'd still bang you."



I had another who, as she was orgasming, would bite her lips and stand there like she was a dead fish because she didn't want the neighbor to think "what would the person think?"


Well, good thing actually, that signifies one thing. She won't get pregnant because what will the doctors think when she's spread eagle? aha.


Now myself, I haven't shaved my face in 5 weeks and though I look much better without the beard, I don't care and my attitude of not caring, actually makes women gravitate to me :).


Women on the other hand, will lie and hide and try to make you look bad when there's something that makes her feel negative feelings and when she doesn't, she just wants you to not think badly of her. I'll give you an example:


A woman cheats on a man and then will tell him she cheated on him because he was always working or he wasn't affective enough, you know, the typical female answer. A covert way of saying that she was bored, she needed drama or some other guy pushed her attraction buttons.


No, no, my friend. No need to learn how to read women. She's hesitant with you, or she makes dramas, or you aren't the slightest happy with whatever she's doing: you dump her.


And move on to another woman and if that one gives you problem, you dump her again.


One last thing.


"I am with him."



She is with him. TEMPORARILY. Most relationships are initiated by men. Most relationships begin because the woman say yes. Most relationships will end. Ended by women. Most marriages proposals are done by the man. Most women WANT to get married. Most marriages end and after some 5 years. Most divorces are filed by women.


Therefore, a woman cannot commit. And the fact that women thrive far more than men from relationships and marriage, only helps their nomad way of going through life.


So, if you are a pal and want to help your friends(males) tell them to not worry. Be happy. No woman is worth wasting money on, time, emotion and above all, do not marry!


OR co-habit with a woman. There's a little trick feminist women created called "Common-law" marriage. It means she'll get everything you own after with you - in most countries -2 years and in Australia it's 6 months.



Edited by Lusitan
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Tricky one. To me, "I'm with him" means we are dating each other monogamously. But then i wouldn't be flirting with another guy in the first place?


I'm Australian, and i think the 6 month common-law wife thing is a bit ridiculous too. I understand if you have kids together, but otherwise its a bit crazy that they expect someone to be accustomed to a standard of living after 6 months.

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