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Question about Facebook to OW.

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I said the same thing to WF a couple of months ago. When I was wh*ring around, I could go into a room full of women and pick out the ones I knew I could get, the ones I thought I could get and the ones I wouldn't try to get (either too ugly or too smart).;)BTW what kind of a sorry SOB did that make me?

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I said the same thing to WF a couple of months ago. When I was wh*ring around, I could go into a room full of women and pick out the ones I knew I could get, the ones I thought I could get and the ones I wouldn't try to get (either too ugly or too smart).;)BTW what kind of a sorry SOB did that make me?


It made you human, BJ. I love my dad like none other. But I wouldn't wish him on any woman unless I hated her. ;) And because he really is "tall, dark, and handsome", that hated woman would first think I felt the world of her when I was secretly plotting her destruction. LOL


So, would you have ever had a FB or similar page back in your days of running women?

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Plus, I prefered to leave as little incriminating evidence as possible. Facebook could have given me problems.

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I've never thought about it, but I checked after reading the post. Didn’t find anything on him or her. I kinda hoped I would, but it’s probably better that I didn’t. I think I probably would have become obsessed.

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It's not that we think that all women are stupid, it's that we usually only prey on stupid women!!;) Or maybe gullible is more appropriate.

Ya know BJ, I have to admit at one point I wondered if he was a playa and I decided I just didn't care. I enjoyed him and took my chances knowing full well the blame would be my own. Yes, he pursued and lied and played me, but I enjoyed every minute of the bulls***. I definitely did.


So I ponder whether I was really gullible or just in need of being charmed. I think there is a difference.


Skylarblue, have you considered he may be serial?


NID, did you speak with your dad? What did he say? I'm dying to hear!

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Interesting tidbit:


My friend lives next door to this guy she has always told me stories about. He is a player, to say the least. He has an on again, off again gf who is very beautiful. I listened to all of the stories with amusement. One night while out, I actually met this guy. He is good-looking and charming. If I didn't know his "backstory" I would have been completely smitten. He told my friends how beautiful I was and how he was 'in love' after meeting me. Later he asked if I was happily married. I have since heard that he has gotten back together with his ex-gf (he cheats on her continuously with multiple, multiple women). the funniest thing was that he hadn't been on FB and just joined and his gf just friended him on there and he told my friend that he was now screwed bc of course all of these women are his friends on FB. I think it's hilarious!

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hmm .... well, I have looked at my MM wife's pic on FB.

It does make you wonder if home life is as 'miserable' as he claims it is.

He does not have a FB acct., and I would not friend her since, quite honestly, that would be incredibly stupid of me to do.

In regards to serial cheating?? Yeah - he could be. You never really know now, do you??

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I checked facebook only after MM broke it off with me for a week--i never ever considered it before--but there she was --a picture--but no information--there was never ever a different picture actually it was blank until about 2 days ago-when a picture of them kissing came up---see other thread about this under mm's wife posted photo of them sharing a kiss while dancing.

well i asked him about it --and he verified by pictures --which included his daughter(so noticeable age defference) of the event--him in same clothing and her in same dress etc.. I finally also just asked for a full frontal picture of her(everything has been from the side) and he provided it.

He said they have thousands of pictures and yes some of them were of happy times in 19 years.

She apparantly knows about us (from when i contacted her in July) i was concerned she posted the picture as a recent event--and that is actually why i always kept loooking at the profile to see if it ever changed.

I still wonder why after all these months(5) that she decided to post it when its been blank for so long.

It made me feel sick seeing it-after all i could have just as well discovered a current picture-and that scares me to death.

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I check his w facebook and myspace everyday when i first found her it was like my heart just dropped my heart was racing so fast it was strange dont know why i felt that way.Her myspace and facebook are both public to my surprise.


I learned ALOT about her and him from going on her profiles.

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Well, anyone reading LS could be considered a cyber stalker but I do get concerned for those who become obsessed. For the person doing the obsessive stalking, it is so much time being taken away from more productive activities.

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Well, anyone reading LS could be considered a cyber stalker but I do get concerned for those who become obsessed. For the person doing the obsessive stalking, it is so much time being taken away from more productive activities.


Sorry but I do not see how one could be considered A cyber stalker for coming on LS,addicted to posting and reading threads on LS ok we post on here knowing and allowing other's to learn of our stories.


These people are checking up on the MM/MW W/H or OW/OM to see how,when,who,what they are doing trying to get any info they can and doing this daily if not numerous times a day,that is cyber stalking, and you are right so much time is being taken away from something more productive.


But try telling that to a cyber stalker;)

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Sorry but I do not see how one could be considered A cyber stalker for coming on LS,addicted to posting and reading threads on LS ok we post on here knowing and allowing other's to learn of our stories.


These people are checking up on the MM/MW W/H or OW/OM to see how,when,who,what they are doing trying to get any info they can and doing this daily if not numerous times a day,that is cyber stalking, and you are right so much time is being taken away from something more productive.


But try telling that to a cyber stalker;)

Aw, I was just joking about the LS part. I'm addicted I must say.:laugh:

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I do get concerned for those who become obsessed. For the person doing the obsessive stalking, it is so much time being taken away from more productive activities.


Cyberstalking is illegal in the UK :) I had one a few years back - and she's never really gone away, despite being outed, threatened with criminal prosecution (and possible job loss) and being told, blatantly, by my H (whom she wants, really, really badly) to get lost. It's pretty depressing that someone who got turned down repeatedly, through his 1st M, his separation, his D, and now his 2nd M, doesn't realise that it's just not going to happen. Instead of moving on, finding someone else that is interested and getting a life, she keeps sucking at the fringes of his / ours. She's way into middle age, but she's acting like a teenage groupie. It's terminally sad.

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