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Does this make my butt look fat? The age-old question...

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How do you deal with such situations? Let us say your spouse does have a rather large... rear. And they ask this question, how do you respond? Do you fill it in with a white lie or come out with the full truth? Does this deduct from one's honesty or is it a way to exercise subjective views?


I am not relating this question to this specific situation but any such situation where the same principle applies.


In other words, how would you respond to the topic question? :)

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If a woman asks you this- Just say NO Neo! LMAO Just kidding.


If it's like a ghetto booty that cannot be contained, or a butt that is so big even Jennifer Lopez would be jealous, then say yes.


If a woman is asking, then she already knows the answer and it's usually yes.


If you decide to go with the truth, you may be facing a bad time indeed. But at least you are being honest which is more important and should eventually be appreciated. Just watch how you say yes. Don't stand up and scream it out. LOL

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Just say that her butt is the butt for you, and if it's not, why the hell are you dating her??? :p

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"Your rear always looks gorgeous to me." (tender caress of mentioned region)


If she wants accurate fashion advice, she should ask her mom or her girlfriends.

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or even how about.... not as big as your making it be... or who cares everyone will be checking out your beautiful face instead.... that way then it kind of places the onus back on herand makes her feel good....... and you can make a hasty get away... or compliment her on her best feature one she wont doubt....

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lol dragon.


Just say, "what do you think?"


Then say, well lets go for a walk every night until you like the way it looks.


Then dodge whatever she throws at you.

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