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I hate unrequited love.

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As soon as you said there was an age difference in your other post, I knew what was coming. Except I didnt expect the girl's age to be THAT young. So, from your post I guess you are at least 10 years older than this 16 year old CHILD, right?? Probably more. What, are you like 35 years old or something?

What the hell is wrong with some of you men?? WOMEN your age just don't do it for you pervs? Or as your post suggest, you just cant handle a woman? Little girls are easier to impress.


For the love of GOD..leave her alone. You don't need to get to know a 16 year old child better.


I think this is rather unfair and uncalled-for. I understand where you're coming from, but really, you'd be better off reserving your venom for the posters who say things like 'I love 16 year olds cause they're so gullible and have nubile bodies and don't demand like you hags, and it's legal so there HAHA'. This guy has already admitted that he won't be pursuing the girl, because he finds the age difference too awkward.


OP, I've been there done that, got the T shirt and all that jazz. First guy I ever fell for was an extremely religious guy who apparently took a personal vow to lifelong celibacy. Heh. Second guy was 12 years older than me. Fortunately, the list of BAD unrequited loves stopped there.


I wish you all the best - just follow your gut instincts on this one. If you think it won't work, do your best to move on. Maybe someday, like me, you'll stumble across someone who'll be the light of your life when you're least expecting it. :)

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However, you really know nothing about this girl.


I know! It's so ridiculous that I should feel anything towards her. The fact that I do, and that I know it's so illogical makes me feel really annoyed with myself.


It would be interesting to know what it is that makes us feel such strong attraction towards one person and not towards another.


What you said about not feeding it makes sense, it is however easier said than done :/ I've never been someone who can stop feelings like this quickly.


Thanks everyone who understood, and for some of your kind words. Like I said, I don't intend to do anything about this, I just need to vent and let it out.

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She's almost 18, ...the only girls that pay me any attention are around that age.



I guess this thread confirms all that you say, as few of the brainchildren who have been responding have paid any attention to anything you've written.


I mean, it's all there in black and white, and they're clearly still too lazy to check the facts before they go ranting off on totally unrelated topics.


The law is the law, and it is there for a reason, and morons who have a problem with the law have only one sensible recourse, and that is the go through proper channels to change that law (if, that is, they can get another soul to agree with their dumb ideas).


There probably isn't any harm in imagining things you're imagining, but it probably wouldn't be a great thing for either one of you.


Good luck!

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Truly there are few things that can equal the emotional pain and distress this causes.


I don't know if deep down there is a part of me that enjoys torturing myself because I always fall for girls I cannot have.


Once, just once I'd like to fall for a girl I have even a remote chance of getting together with.


I thought I'd gotten this under control because it's been a few years now since I felt anything like this for a girl but it's happened to me again and I need to get it off my chest because I feel like there's a fist in my chest crushing my heart every time I think of her.


I'm in a choir with this girl, so I see her almost every week and it's agony. She's in the row in front of me and I have to tear my eyes away from her time and time again.


To see something you want more than anything else, right in front of you but completely unattainable, it's a horrible feeling. Even worse is the knowledge that some other guy(s) will get to be with her, it just feels so unfair.


I wish that I could have my emotions switched off so that I don't ever need to experience this again. :sick:


Apologies for the depressing thread, but I'm close to tears. I'm normally really good at controlling my emotions because I know that when they get out they overwhelm me, like what is happening now.


You're in love with the idea of being in love, which is understandable, but realize what your true feelings are. You like this girl because she's friendly, and you have special feelings for her because you have already concluded that this is the type of girl you could imagine yourself falling in love with. All of this is understandable, and I think we all go through these kinds of feelings at one point in our lives or another.


But there's a difference between the above and actually 'loving' someone. The latter is different, because it's real - real feelings based on real time and emotions invested in someone, and through real experiences that have been shared. You can't really love this girl, because you haven't really been through that with her yet.


The unrequited love isn't really love that's rejected, it's the realization that this person isn't giving you what you want, which is the experience of being in love. The simple solution to that is, find someone who will give you that experience. Don't be overly choosy, but be selective. Don't spend a moment of time wasted on hoping that the rejection will turn into something more; it won't. Focus on the positive. Focus on someone you can create something with.

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i feel you bro, same thing happened to me. with a classmate in med school. So it was guaranteed that I would see here for 4 yrs everyday except Sunday. You get over it, pick urself up and dust yourself off. The pain is there and it still lingers but you adapt. Plus meeting other girls does you a whole lot of good :)

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