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Why Love Shack?

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This site is a good place to read, learn and contribute to the way we handle relationships. I'm not trained as a counselor or a relationship expert, but I can appreciated the wealth of experience, differences of opinion and the occasional consensus of folks from all over.


This is also a good place to check our own ideas and opinions on relationships. I've noticed that my ideas and opinions about relationships have become a little more flexible - although still grounded by my own personal beliefs.


Some day, the lessons I learn from the good folks here at LS may help me guide others who are going through relationship difficulties. Maybe I already have and don't even know it.


Why do you post here at LS?

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I actually typed in a question in google and it pulled up a link to a thread here as an example. Hung around for the next week or two reading through things, then joined myself a couple days ago- here I am!




But basically it's organized, managed, and well rounded in a calm environment. It's like that small neighborhood you stumble accross on accident when you're lost somewhere out driving around in your car, and you think "well this is a pretty nice community" haha.

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Sometimes I really don't know- the original problem that led me here has looooong since been resolved.


But its nice to keep in touch with a few of the regulars, and there is some good banter on here.

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It is a community of online friends.


I came seeking help and never left.


Every time I hear the song Loveshack, then the words seem to apply here, too....


The Love Shack is a little old place

where we can get together

Love Shack baby, Love Shack bay-bee.

Love baby, that's where it's at,

Ooo love baby, that's where it's at


I could list a the members whose lives I keep up with every time I sign on.


Came for help and became hooked.




Why LS? Because no other board gave me the same comfortable feeling of belonging. I have been and am members of other boards, but only this one seems like a community of friends.

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It's the online equivalent of the show, "Cheers".



(Norm!!!!!!!!!):laugh: I got dropped off by the Google Train, also. I've gained a lot of insight, and hopefully I've shared some helpful insights as well......................................

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Why do you post here at LS?


Why? Well When I arrived here via good old google, I came seeking advice about an ea I had become involved in. The ea is long over and I stayed because I found that this site is a very caring communinty with lot's of great advice and support to offer a person in many areas of life. I also feel proud to give advice and support to those who are in need.:love:



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Why do you post here at LS?

partly to give advice, partly to stave off boredom and partly because misery loves company....

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hahah freestyle i agree with you completely. when i was in heap of my own sh*t i googled "how to get over a relationship" and the Google Train brought me here, too.


It seems that most of the people on this forum have felt so completely lost at some point that they went and googled their problems, which ultimately brought them here to LS. And yes alphamale, misery does love company. I've found out that the people on these forums that offer the best advice have been hurt or affected the most, and many chose to stick around just to help others because they know how terrible it feels. Whether its relationships personal issues or just wanting to chat theres someone on this forum thats been there.


Last year when i needed advice i came here for a while and left. Now that i need help again, i knew where to go. Except this time i think i will be staying for a little while longer.. theres more crap i wanted to say but ive been drinkin

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hmm im with all the posters who came in thru google..(which then led me to freak out because, just as I had stumble upon this, im sure people in RL will too! scary!)

In any case, i love how people responded so quickly and they have such great input. I firmly believe that along with one class I took last year and the few smacks upside the head I got from some of the posters here, I got the courage to walk away from a BS relationships (And a second one this year!)


Now if only I could figure out how to NOT get into them to begin with :rolleyes:

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Some men see a pink website and ask why. I see a pink website and ask why not.


Haha... awsome.

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Just got dropped here by google by doing a search on "how to get her back". Sound familiar?


Spent almost half a day reading through some of the posts here.


One of the things that really puzzled me at first was the fact that I didn't see ANY falme, misconstructive arguments, hurtful/useless comments at all.


Then it struck me: most of the regulars on these boards have been through a mess at some point in their lives, when they desperately searched for answers or advice, but couldn't find anyone, who could really help. The people commenting here know exactly what the person in question is or might be going through, and know exaclty how not to be cruel to someone who's going through a tough period in his/her life.


A community like this is rare in our day and age, but it certainly is refreshing to know that places like this exist.


I've been reading posts here for merely a day, and already I feel like I can cope, maybe even recover, although only yesterday I thought I was gonna go crazy over my misfortune.

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I googled "relationship forums" and found this place. What initially impressed me were the variety of forums in which people could communicate; from that grew a strong sense of community among a group of folks I knew I'd never meet. This is the place I've come to ask advice, for prayers, for solace, for recipes, and when things got really bad, something to make me forget what was going on for a little bit with the humor and laughs y'all have shared.


pure and simple, LoveShack is like finding the security code to Fort Knox :love:

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pure and simple, LoveShack is like finding the security code to Fort Knox :love:

i would say LS is more like being locked inside Ft. Knox with all that gold and money and having no way to get out :laugh:

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Originally it was in the interest of remaining unbiased to a friend in need. Our friendship happened due to the fact that she had been the live-in GF to my EXhusband at the time he took off with my son. I helped her to realize what he did to her, was not her fault and just who he is. She gave me some of the info I needed to track him down and find my son.

But she went on to find another screwed up guy and moved to N. Carolina for him. I wanted to help her while avoiding any "kill the messenger" impulses she might feel, so I posted for her on here and gave her the advise I found. It didn't help in avoiding what I worried about and we are no longer friends. :(


I stayed because it was a way to kill time and mildly interesting. I enjoyed the debate team aspect. I enjoyed some of the regular posters views. I was able to get a decent perspective on some things I've gone through as well as somethings I simply don't understand for having not gone through them.


More and more though, I sense a falsity; an agenda in some of the newer posters and redundant topics. As well, some of the subjects I struggle to identify with, seem to be an entire identity for the posters. You know it is part of their problem, but to suggest that is somehow not being supportive. :rolleyes: You have to stop seeing things from that position to ever stop being in that position. Many reoccurring themes are on topics I just don't see play out IRL. I come on here and get the feeling that I'm back in the 50s and we've made zero progress towards basic and mutual human respect. This site, I feel is beginning to do me more harm than good. :eek:

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I stayed because it was a way to kill time and mildly interesting. I enjoyed the debate team aspect. I enjoyed some of the regular posters views.



This site, I feel is beginning to do me more harm than good. :eek:


"Welcome to the Hotel California Loveshack. You can check out any time but you can never leave." :D


IMO it is better sung as ..... "The Love Shack is a little old place where we can get together. Love Shack baby! Love Shack baby! Love Shack, that's where it's at!" :bunny:

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Awesome Username

Dunno, I think that peering into the brains and situations of people is interesting.


I feel like when I look at strangers now, that they all have a hidden love story or shyness issue that we see on here everywhere. It's really opened my eyes.

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I feel like when I look at strangers now, that they all have a hidden love story or shyness issue that we see on here everywhere. It's really opened my eyes.


Wow. That's excellent. Yes, I agree, we need to look at people as people.


I found LS through some google search of mine, just me trying to give myself internet aid for the heart just like I do internet research for the head. I've only been on here a few days, but obviously see the wealth of input on here.


Yes, I'm recovering from a relationship. Yes, LS has really helped me.

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Came initially to get some things off my chest and have a place to process.


I stay for the same reason, and as a therapist...I like to lend some well placed words, support, and insight to those in need.

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