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Okay, so I just found this lump on my right collarbone tonight. It's movable and it's kind of sore when I touch it. I would say it's about the size of a grape or possibly a bit bigger. I have been tired a lot lately so maybe it's some kind of infection?? I have never had this before and not sure if I should be alarmed or what? I will get it checked out, but was just curious if anyone has had these symptoms before?

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Thanks, I dunno, but I'll look into that. I'm starting to sound like a hypochondriac here. I swear I never get sick.

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Erm, swollen lymph node it sounds like. Could be a thyroid problem, especially as you are tired a lot.

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Okay, so I don't think it's anything serious. I woke up this morning with my shoulder and that side of my neck kind of sore. The knot is really sore....to where it hurts tremendously to even touch. So I'm thinking it's more of a swollen lymph node, some kind of infection etc. I think I just worry too much! lol A few days ago I got bit by an ant (a pretty big black ant) on my shoulder in that same general area. The bite got a little swollen and itched a bit....nothing unusual. So I'm not sure if the ant bite has any relation to what is happening now? To my knowledge I'm not allergic to them. Of course I have always gotten bit by fire ants....never the black kind. Either way, I'll just keep an eye on it to see if it gets worse etc. Thanks for all the advice! :)

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I'm betting on the swollen lymph node. The ant bite probably triggered an immune reaction which leads to swollen lymph nodes around that area.


However, if it doesn't subside soon, you definitely should get a medical checkup.

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If it's above the collar bone area I would get it checked out asap. Sounds like an enlarged lymph node to me.. but I am just taking a guess. Good luck.



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I'm pretty sure there are no lymph nodes ON your collar bone. They're under your jaw.


I'm not trying to alarm you, but none of us are doctors. If it doesn't go away soon get it checked out for sure!

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I'm pretty sure there are no lymph nodes ON your collar bone. They're under your jaw.


I'm not trying to alarm you, but none of us are doctors. If it doesn't go away soon get it checked out for sure!


There are lymph node near the collar bone. This I know from all of the medical stuff I've been through in the last year. So do get this checked out Cora.



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There is a chain of lymph nodes that travels right alongside the collar bone.


Not really, SB. And certainly not ON the collar bone itself...

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They are called the "supraclavicular lymph nodes".


I had to study all this stuff as part of my degree...


Yes. You are very right here.;)



I'm starting to sound like a hypochondriac here. I swear I never get sick.


Don't feel that way. It's your health and if somethng does not feel right to you, then you have every reason to question it. Just have it checked to ease your mind.:)



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I used to get those a lot when I was younger. My immune system has never been awesome so I never thought anything of it at first, but they would come back every few months. It was a swollen lymph node. They're movable and it was really annoying to me because with a lump like that you'd think it was supposed to hurt but it didn't and it just made me feel really weird. I tried not to even look at it.


But they ended up going away on their own. The doctors said that sometimes they just do that when you're sick a lot and that it was nothing to worry about. It lasted for about a year and I haven't had them since. Granted, that year was the most stressful year of my life so that could also have something to do with it.

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Thanks everyone, it seems to be getting better. It's not as sore anymore at least, so I'm thankful for that. The knot is still there, but hoping it will go away soon. I think it was just a swollen lymph node like some of you suggested. I remember years ago, I think I was about ten or so, I got one similar under my arm. It eventually went away after some time. I had almost forgotten about that. This is just the first time since then that I have gotten another. Anyway, I'm hoping like before it will go away soon.

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