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You Know You Married a Keeper When...

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...you're looking at flat screen TV's together and your W tells the salesman "These are too small. Where are the bigger sizes?" As Wayne says - schwing!


What are other "subtle" signs you picked the right partner :confused: ???


Mr. Lucky

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LMAO... when he I was teasing with him about being so stuffy nosed and said "I will suck the snot right out of your nostrils.." ( I know, ewww right?) But he gave me that 'I dare you' look, so I licked the inside of his nose... lmao.. he held me down and licked my whole face, including holding open my eyelid and licking my eyeball!!! LMAO.


He ALWAYS knows how to make me laugh! And he does it constantly!!!!


(But he is not my husband...... does it still count in this thread?)

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(But he is not my husband...... does it still count in this thread?)

I would say that face-licking and snot-sucking do count as above and beyond :) ...


Mr. Lucky

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I knew my husband was a keeper when I was pregnant with our second child. Money was tight and I was depressed. My family was giving me a baby shower and I didn't have enough money to go out and buy a new dress. My husband, seeing I was upset, went out and sold the bulk of his video games so that I could buy a dress. He didn't have to do that. I would have gotten over it and just worn something old. The fact that he cares so much about my happiness means the world to me.

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the way he loved my parents like they were his own ... to the point of helping him care for my dad when he was dying. Not many guys would offer to do that AND follow through. :love:

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the way he loved my parents like they were his own ... to the point of helping him care for my dad when he was dying. Not many guys would offer to do that AND follow through. :love:


Tell me about it. Death is a hard time. My husband has helped me through a tragedy as well. That is a big thing.

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it really is, especially when you know they could be doing something else. But love steps up to bat and guarantees a homerun in situations like that :D

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How about, when I spent the whole day on the phone and internet doing job search, and he had worked a 14 hour day (at a physically demanding job) then drove another hour and a half to be with me, and instead of wanting me to pamper him, we showered together (he washed my hair for me, and even got on his knees and washed my feet) then gave me a back rub and a foot massage until I fell asleep because I had "had a rough day", his words not mine. :love:

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When even though the sound of my sister's voice grates on his last nerve, he will spend hours on the phone with her helping her figure out how to synch her computer to her phone; just because she's my sister.


Knowing when I am so depressed that I need a new pair of heels to pick me up.


When he changes the litter-box because he knows it makes me gag.


When I am too frustrated to listen to my oldest son talk-back [every time I speak to him] that he will launch into an in-depth discussion [about something completely not connected] until the poor kid is so bored that he just gets glazed over and wanders away and forgets the argument.


This has all been since Monday.

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I love threads like this!!


Although BF and I are not married, there is a laundry list of moments that confirmed I'd found a keeper, the least of which include sending my momma flowers on her birthday and giving me a high five the first time I accidentally tooted in front of him. :o

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I love threads like this!!


Although BF and I are not married, there is a laundry list of moments that confirmed I'd found a keeper, the least of which include sending my momma flowers on her birthday and giving me a high five the first time I accidentally tooted in front of him. :o


LOL! That is so cute and sweet.

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When I found at my wife hated diamonds and did not want them in her wedding ring. That right there shows he is not the typical woman.


When she stuck with me after my ex got all coked up and decided to shoot out windows out.

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Reminds me of that Fosters commercial when the bride dips down into the huge beer tub and pulls out a Fosters for her husband.


CE knows what I'm talking about.:laugh:

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I once had a virus and was sick in bed. Apparently my son caught the same bug. So, my son vomited up partially digested chicken and stars soup in the middle of the night all over his bedroom 8'x10' rug, and my BF went in, picked him up (vomit and all) and put him in a warm bath, threw his sheets and pjs in the washing machine tried to scrub the vomited soup off the rug but all the stars kept squishing into the rug seams making this huge mess, and finally took the rug outside, draped it over my SUV, and hosed it off. Cleaning up someone else's vomit, especially of a child you did not birth, makes a man a hero AND a keeper, in my book.

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When it was her turn to set up a date, she invited me over for a meal she cooked, we watched an action movie, then followed up by having lots of sweaty, raunchy sex. About 4 hours later we went to Denny's at 3am, she gave me head on the way there in my truck as I drove, then afterwards she offered to pay for the meal.


Yes, she was a keepr.

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I once had a virus and was sick in bed. Apparently my son caught the same bug. So, my son vomited up partially digested chicken and stars soup in the middle of the night all over his bedroom 8'x10' rug, and my BF went in, picked him up (vomit and all) and put him in a warm bath, threw his sheets and pjs in the washing machine tried to scrub the vomited soup off the rug but all the stars kept squishing into the rug seams making this huge mess, and finally took the rug outside, draped it over my SUV, and hosed it off. Cleaning up someone else's vomit, especially of a child you did not birth, makes a man a hero AND a keeper, in my book.

It's the little things that count ;) ...


Mr. Lucky

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I knew my husband was a keeper when I was pregnant with our second child. Money was tight and I was depressed. My family was giving me a baby shower and I didn't have enough money to go out and buy a new dress. My husband, seeing I was upset, went out and sold the bulk of his video games so that I could buy a dress. He didn't have to do that. I would have gotten over it and just worn something old. The fact that he cares so much about my happiness means the world to me.


How nice. I feel guilty saying I would never do something like that for a man.

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When my mom's idiot boyfriend can't figure out how to fix the toilet or put new batter cables on the truck and my husband goes over to her house at 7 at night when he has to work at 11 to do it for her, he is definitely a keeper.


Plus, now that I am pregnant(yay) he does the laundry and won't let me lift a thing. He has only done laundry maybe 5 times in the last 3 years lol.


One time when I was really stressed about taking a test for work, he blindfolded me and took me to my grandfather's grave. My grandpa was my best friend and this moment will be forever etched in my mind.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When he gave my depressed, hating-being-single sister roses and candy on Valentines Day.


When he towel dried my hair this morning.


When he shows up at my work to surprise me.


His diligent effort to "provide" for us.


Every time I am down, that man knows everything to say and do to pick me back up.


His firm shoulder is there every time I need it.


He didn't make me get rid of our puppy when he peed in our bed. :laugh:


I could go on and on and on...good thing I'm marrying his ass in 4 weeks, huh? lmao

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During our engagement we were still living in seperate states for a couple of months. I was turning 40 and he knew it was a VERY hard thing for me to deal with. We were going to be celebrating my b-day the weekend after since the weekend before was Easter which meant I was going to be alone on my actual b-day.


Do you know that this sweet man made plans to fly in the evening of my b-day to surprise me? He called my cousin and made arrangements for her to pick him up and then she drove him to the park where I was with my sister and kids {she was in on it}.


He called me on my cell phone and said, "Have I told you happy b-day today?" and I said "Yes". Then he said, "Have I told you I love you yet today?" and I said "Yes." Then he said, "Have I told you how hot you look in that pink sweater?" and I stopped dead in my tracks. I looked left. I looked right. Then I looked behind me and there he was. THAT was when I knew I was marrying a keeper.:)

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When on his first day off of work in 3 and a half weeks (one of only 3 days off in the last 8 weeks) he "helped" me move dirty, heavy, spider infested furniture out of a storage unit for a friend of mine and load it up on a small trailer. (By helped I mean, he did it all and everytime I tried to help he told me that he didn't want me getting hurt or dirty) Then he took me out to lunch, and we ate so much we went back to my place and took a nap, then my friend called again as she got stood up with the help she was supposed to have UNLOADING the trailer, so we got up, got dressed and went back out so he could again "help" UNLOAD all the stuff at her office.


All because I had promised her I would help her, and he wanted to help me. :love: So much for a restful day off.

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