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hi i am 19 and i have a 7 month old son his daddy my boyfriend. we have been together for three years. it was great in the beginnig now we hardly ever communicate. he is 18 likes to go all the time, smokes weed and here recently doesn't spend much time with the baby. we live with his parents. he hardly ever helps with the baby i practicly have to beg him to. i have been waiting since the baby was born for us to get our on place and it has nothappened. he always tells me that he loves me but i am beginning to doubt it.


somtimes he'll tell me he wants me to move back home and be with me when its convient for him. then there are times when we get along great we talk, go out together and enjoy being with one another but i am ready to get serious and quit playing these run around games and settle down. but i think somtimes he chooses drugs and friends over me and the baby.


how do i get his attintion and help him realize that i need him because he always thinks when i say anything that iam playing



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You can't help him realize anything. Your boyfriend is an immature, irresponsible child who has absolutely no idea what life is all about. He's hardly ready to realize anything.


Give him five to ten years of growing up and he may improve. There are women who have similar problems to yours with older, more mature men and those situations are very difficult to resolve. But when you've got a young chump who would rather smoke weed than spend time with his own child, you have a serious problem.


I'm giving you some hope here....five to ten years. But for the time being, you either have to put up with it or find someone whose head is a lot more together.


Now, should a miracle occur and he expresses a desire to change, get him some counselling. It is available through social service agancies in your area if you cannot affort it.

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Take it from a teenager. This guy wants out. The best advice I can give you is to hire a lawyer, and get the


child support you deserve. Let this guy do what he wants, as long as you get what you and the baby need. And find some guy that cares about you.

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