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4 days of silence

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I've come on here already knowing the answer to my problem I think, guess I just need a bit of comfort or advice in how to cope :o


I came out of a relationship and within 2 months I had met someone else, who I might add had also come out of a relationship. We had been getting on really well, both taking it slow and just enjoying ourselves. Everything was going good until last weekend when he texted me to ask if it would be a problem if he had a weekend on his own? to which I said of course not, even though I was a bit sad about it as the weekends are the only chance we get to see each other. I never let it show - I sent a text back telling him to have a great weekend and that I'll miss him, since then I haven't heard anything from him, it's been 4 days...


I guess I know he's having cold feet, we've only been seeing each other for over 2 months. I wish he could have said before the weekend he needed time to think instead of this.

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