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18yrs old & need help


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I'm 18 years old, I've never really had a "Girlfriend" before. I recently met this girl i really really like. We've been out a couple times to movies and stuff, and i need help with something. She has mentioned before about an ex boyfriend, and she asked me about my ex girlfriends. I lied and told her about them, even though they don't exist. I don't wanna sound like a total loser because i've never been with a girl before. I'm afraid what she will think of me if she finds out she is my first. I really want to tell her the truth however. Please help me.

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I'd come clean - 'cause thing is, we women crave details-details - you would not believe how endlessly curious a woman can be over ex's - so she's bound to ask you more stuff about old girlfriends sooner or later. Of course you could come over all mysterious and say you don't want to talk about it - but that'll be just like showing a red rag to a bull and there'll be no end to the questions. Save yourself now and come clean.


Plus if you have no little or no experience sexually and you finally get together it's best that she know this. I understand not wanting to look totally inexperienced but really, you're only 18 it's not that rare so I'd just mention the next time the subject comes up that you have been waiting for the right girl to come along and were just a bit embarrassed to come over too sentimental or something along those lines. Don't worry, she's not going to dump you for that at worst she'll think it's a little sad but will forgive the white lie and at best she'll think it's cute. Who knows she may have exaggerated her own experience and you can both have a laugh about it....

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To tell the truth she'll probably find that she's your first girlfriend really sweet. Reckless is right girls crave details! I've been dating my bf for 2 years and I always ask about his past gf's all the time (he only had 2) even though he may have told me about them b4 I still ask the same questions again, lol Its just a girl thing. I would come clean while you haven't been together very long. She'll probably find it very cute. But remember I know what its like to be in your first relationship so don't rush things b/c you get excited for the next step! take things slow. Best of luck to ya! Take Care ~God Bless~

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Totally, just tell her where you were coming from. Early on like this, she wont be as hurt as she would later, you can't build the foundation of a relationship on lies. Tell her you aren't a lying person, but that you were just really embarassed...but that you felt so bad you had to tell her because you just can't lie. That will make her feel better. And, i would think it was really cute if I dated a guy where I was his first girlfriend. My friend is getting married to this guy soon, and she is his first everything and she just loves that.


Good luck:)

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Well good new i guess, I told her the truth and she started to laugh. Kind of like a giggle. Then i started to laugh too. Now she calls me all the time wanting to go out. Its kinda freaky how much energy she has now. Oh well, thanks for all the help!

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The truth can be liberating. I remember telling a girl the truth once and she giggled a bit herself. And when I showed her the truth she laughed. I think girls are girls because they've all laughed their balls off at guys.

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dude jest tell her,

i'm in the same situation as you, i grew up in a tiny town of 400 ppl, not much variety there... i didn't have a real gf until i moved to the city. First thing i told her when we starteddating is that i'm new to the dating scene, so if i suck w/kissing or anything else just bare w/me. know wat? she was ok w/it, we've been going out 3 months now and she's showed me some interesting things :p

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The BIGGEST mistake you can ever make w/girls is telling a lie....so what if you tell the truth? she's not gonna kick your ass or think any lesser of you! if she does think lesser of you, then she doesnt deserve to know you. LOOk when time comes where you cant keep lying anymore...you're gonna break down and tell the truth eventaully...then she's gonna be disgusted that you lied....girls hate liars, thats a fact.


look im 19 and one time i went out w/my female friend and her friends, they were all playing truth or dare and it would be obvious that questions pertaining to my sex/love life would come up.....and guess what it did! ive never had a gf so far but i told the truth!


that didnt make my friend think any lesser of me!

I was confident that night, i had nothing to lose...so what if they thought up stuff about me...i didnt care, i was there having a good time.

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You need to tell her straight up what the deal is cause I guarantee that if you keep lying you'll slip up sooner or later and that will be the end of that. Girls don't play around with lying at all and you'll be finished. Plus she won't care you're 18. It's not that big a of deal.

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i was the same way (only i was 17, but close enough). all i can tell you is to ask her out. trust me it is very hard for us ( ones you cant really get a girl) but you will feel alot better if you just do it. you also need to tell her the truth. hopefully she will understand. Good Luck.

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