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- She is REALLY messing with my head

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OK to try to make a long story short - I'm a 26 year old male, about 2 months ago my girlfriend broke up with me. She's only 20. We were together for 6 months and I knew prior to getting into the relationship that I may get hurt because of her immaturity. I went for it anyway because we really had a good time together and she is beautiful. We would argue about the stupidest things from time to time, this is why she broke up with me. This is where it gets a little awkward - her brother is my roomate. He's my age and was fine with us being together but now it's an odd situation. I think the best method to get her back is to ignore her, which I'm having a hard time with. When I do, she'll constantly call or text till I pick up, and if I don't she flips out and says I obviously don't care about her at all. I told her it's the opposite and I have trouble being her friend because I still have feelings for her. I told her a couple times that I can't talk to or see her anymore and it bothered her. I gave in after each time and ended up seeing her again. She'll stop by to hang out with her brother and I'm there. I try to act like I don't care and it doesn't bother me but when she leaves I feel super depressed. Sometimes she texts me and says she misses me. In the past week she's texted " I miss sleeping with you" "I miss you sometimes" and "I miss having sex with you." I am fine with not calling or texting her, but when she calls or texts me I always seem to give in and pick up. Basically she's sending me mixed signals where one moment I think maybe she misses me and might want to get back, then other times I just flat out feel like she doesn't give two craps about me. We have both hooked up with other people since we broke up and we have not. Honestly, I know my best move is to cut off all contact and get on with my life, but I really care about her. Do I have a shot to get her back? If I completely cut off contact and ignore her, I'm scared she'll think I don't care at all and I'll lose any chance of getting her back, but if I don't ignore her I'm basically letting her have her cake and eat it too and I don't want to just be friends. Should I not completely ignore her and just act casual like I don't care about our break up? What would you guys recommend doing? Please help me out cause this situation is driving me nuts.

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She did a good job of convincing you that you're the bad guy here. She broke up with you, yet you're worried about looking like the one who doesn't care anymore? Obviously she cares less than you do. The title of your post is 100% correct, she has successfully messed with your head.


As far as getting back together, based on the texts she sends you it seems like she just misses the physical part of the relationship and not much else.


I would ignore her. If you worry about coming across as heartless, then for one final time, offer her an explanation as to WHY it has to be this way, not because you hate her, but because you still have feelings for her. She can either get back together with you, or leave you alone. Then SHE will be the one to make the decision, and you won't feel like the bad guy. If she wants anything less than to work on the relationship, say no and cut her off.

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If your trying to play games to get her back like she is playing with you, it becomes about the game and not about the persons and when the game is over so is the relationship...again


Read the following;


So you want a second chance?


But don't do it as a game.

Edited by GrayClouds
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