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Tell her nor nahhh

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Would it be wrong to tell my friend I have strong feelings for her while she has a boyfriend.. I get signs sometimes she wants me too but im not sure..Should I keep it to myself and if they end it one day tell her? Or will I regret it if i dont say anything now and they end up getting married? f@*@&

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Sorry, I may not be of much help.


Personally, I wouldn't do it. I just can't live with myself if I do something like that. Even if she then gives up her bf and went with me, I still wouldn't feel right.


But I'd have of those crazy stories of one look and you know THIS IS THE ONE and then live happily ever after.....So if both of you are in this category, then....erm...I really don't know. Seems too good to be true. Like a fairy tale. Fake.

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