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I've finally done it, I'm over my EX and I feel soooo good!!!


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Her and I dated for 1 Year and 2 months, broke up because she said she didn't love me anymore, she then got with someone new and it crashed my whole world, but now I’m over her!!!


You ask how do I know feelings are gone 100%?? This is not my first time being heart broken, It happened 2 years before her, and now I feel the exact same way about her as I do about the ex before her, NOTHING! It's

I made a forum months ago, against regular NC, I think regular NC 'you know not talking to the ex not what so ever' only prolongs the feelings.

I stayed in there and keep in contact with the ex, until I finally got true CLOSURE.


I found out why, when, what caused it, and the best thing is noticing that nothing can change it!! Also I started to notice that things won't ever be the same anyway even if you and a ex did get back together.


I have proven "at lest for myself" that strict NC only prolongs the healing actually, you still have so many feelings, wonders, worrying will I be ok, you can get over a ex that way, however it'll take a extremely long time for you to trick you brain into letting go of the ex.

I’m saying that the heart has to be tricked into getting over the ex, it's all about attraction, I allowed my ex to say things, and do things that I know would be a turn off, things that I knew would make me rethink "Do I really want to be with this person?"


Everyone has a breaking point, a turn off moment, and once your ex hits it your over them completely, example if you have a sexy ex GF or a great looking ex BF, just imagine what would happen to your feelings if they gained 200lbs and bad acne, It would ruin you attachment and attraction right??????


Instead of thinking about my ex 10 times every hour, I now think about her every 7 or 8 hours, I can now even imagine my EX having sex with a new guy and It doesn't worry me 1 bit, I can also think about even giving her away at her wedding and It won't worry me.


Getting over a ex is all about CLOSURE, and without it, your going to be taking the long road.

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