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What to Do???

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I had been going out with a girl for 5 months and everything


had been going very well. One day she didn't call me back


when we had made plans. I went over to her house a couple


days later and she told me that she couldn't be in a relationship right now. She had been having troubles in other areas of her life (work,family). She told me that she


wouldn't date anyone else and that we could hang out from


time to time, but everytime I leave a message for her she


won't call me back. I really care about her so I don't want


it to be over, but what should I do?

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Not returning calls to someone you know is very RUDE. Not calling back when you had made plans with here is EXTRMELY RUDE.


You need this girl in your life like you need a bad back.


Don't ever call her again and, if she calls, let her know very clearly that her behavior in not returning calls is a sign of rudeness and a lack of class. Also, let her know you look for manners and class in the ladies you hang out with.


I always ask this question but nobody EVER EVER answers...but I will ask again. How could you possibly care for a chick that doesn't show up when you make plans, doesn't return your calls, and obviously doesn't want to have a whole lot to do with you??? You have very odd tastes when deciding where to place your affections...in my opinion.


Now, go find some classy, nice ladies who will return your calls when you want to hang out with them and forget this rude and confused little priss.

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