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Can a bisexual girl "like" two people at the same time?

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Hi all, Im new to this forum, and being just under 17 new to the whole dating thing aswell, so I hope you guys can bare with me. Just looking for a bit of advice.


Note I'll try to keep things as simple, but this is probably going to be quite long.


OK starting off I know this girl from around a year ago, when I met her as a friend of a friend.


Since then I havent really talked to her, until I met her at this "party" thing.

When her/my friend re-introduced us I got a funny vibe/look from the start.


Later this whole group of us started to walk around (we were in a park), and I noticed she generally drifted until she was next to me. It was suprisingly easy to start a conversation with her, despite having not talked to her in just under a year.


So yeah as the night progressed I started to like this girl more and more. To make a long story short she needed a place to stay that night, so I suggested my very reasonable friend's house, which I was also staying at. Note I wasnt thinking anything dodgey, I just wanted to spend some time with her away from our mutual friend (who has known her since primary school, and is a bit of a player if you could call him that).


When we were walking home to my reasonable friends house, she was telling us about how one of my other friends tried to hook up with her that night only to have her reject him quite harshly, much to my amusement and relief. Another friend of mine who knows her from ages back previously told me she's certainly not an "easy" girl, which I like in girls.

So anyway that night and the following morning I get alot of eye contact, the first thing I saw when I woke up was her looking at me (not in a wierd way) and then ask me something.

I didnt really want to try anything, because I have little to no experience, didnt want to end up like my rejected friend, and really didnt want to screw this up.


But this sorta brings me to the root of this thread. While we were walking home the night before, I think in the conversation about my friend who tried to hook up with this girl, she suddenly blurts out that she has a huge crush on one of the other girls that was at this "party" thing. When me and my reasonable friend (sorry if this is getting hard to follow) look at her slightly funny, she quickly and calmy tells us that she is bisexual.

I found this extremely wierd as she doesnt really know me all that well (and my friend even less). Note she was tipsy at that stage, but I get the feeling she knew full well what she was talking about.


So I guess that brings me to my question... Is it possible she could like this girl, yet like me aswell? Or maybe she only likes this girl? Or maybe she likes me and it was some convoluted ploy to get me to think otherwise?

Either way I'm completely stumped.


All that I do remember from thinking back was that she never actually talked to this girl that she supposedly likes, or at least I dont remember it. Either way she didnt really make an obvious effort to talk to the other girl, that I know because I spent half my night sitting next to her (my efforts).


So anyway since then I've invited her to come bowling with me and a few mates (one of which she knows, one of which is my friend who's house we stayed at, and the rest she doesnt know). She came (last weekend), and we all had a great evening. I tried my best (successfully) to pretty much ace everything we did (bowling and pool) whilst in her presence. Not meaning to show off. Not sure how she responded.


After that she's been away on holiday. Im probably going to ask her out so its just me and her for sunday, the last day of our holidays. What do I have to lose I guess.


Sorry this is so long. I'm an amatuer at this whole thing like I said, and I wanted to give you guys a good picture of whats going on, at least from my view.


Thanks for any help, really appreciate it in advance.

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Yes, bisexual girls are perfectly capable of liking two people at once. I mean...its not quite as simple as that....but I've had lots of experience with bi girls (my daughters mother for one) and so I know that they get 'crushes' on girls quite often. How deep these crushes are depends on the individual, and what their preference is. I've been with bi girls who barely like guys at all, so if they get a crush on a girl, then the guy really has to step it up or he is going to be bumped out of the picture.

And I've been with bi girls who prefer guys by far, and with this type of girl, when they say they have a 'crush' on a girl, it usually just means they think she is attractive and cute and want to be better friends with her, maybe even fool around with her now and then, but the bi girls who strongly prefer guys rarely ever want to actually romantically date their girl crushes. However, this type of girl is the ideal candidate for a potential threesome because she seeks serious long-term companionship with boys, but likes to get it on and just have fun with her girl crushes, so the chances of her bringing her crushes home to you to share with her are increased significantly


From what you posted, it seems like the girl you like is of the second type. She seems to have been making it pretty obvious that she likes you, and the fact that she was spending the night hanging out with you when she could have easily been hanging out with her 'girl crush' signifies that she prefers boy crushes to girl crushes. I wouldn't be discouraged friend.


As for long term, my daughters mother (we haven't been together for a number of years) is actually in a poly relationship, she has a gf and a bf and they all live together and have for quite a while now. It seems to be a pretty strong relationship all three of them have, so even if your sweetie does prefer girls to guys, you might still be able to carve a place for yourself in her life. Just be charming and considerate and you'll do fine.

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