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Bad afternoon at work

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I have an assistant type position and it was a stressful afternoon on friday b/c i was given a packet that had just been completed at about 3:30 and had to print, insert tabs, and bind about 16 of them..and they were big packets...everything seemed to be going wrong such as the printers jamming and also making labels for the tabs was a hassle..the printer near me wasn't working and when i asked a coworker a favor on the opposite end(which i never do) to print the labels they came out wrong...so it definitely was a time contraint b/c i needed to fedex those packets to my boss that afternoon


meanwhile my boss is out either working from home or maybe on business..she calls reception to look for me(i was in the back trying to bind the packets) just to ask if i was also going to e-mail her certain things before i leave so i simply said yes, i was just doing your packets right now and she said i understand so i just said ok..i probably sounded a little stressed on the phone but i don't think i was rude right?


also some of the papers in the packet weren't on color but just regular printer paper(due to our lovely printers in the office, something always seems to go wrong) and i just felt there wasn't enough time to reprint so i kept it in there..i think it was a few pages but not sure


then i e-mailed by boss saying the printer is working for the labels for the tabs..would you like to me write on them myself regarding the sections or leave them blank? she calls me a few minutes later and in my opinion talks down to me----she said in a very slow voice you don't need a printer for tabs...and usually i am very nice, always polite, sweet..and this time i was direct i think and frank...i said no i know for the tabs themselves you insert them manually, im talking about the clear labels that go on the tabs...and it appears to me she had no idea what i was talking about and just told me to speak to this person or that person..meanwhile it was 5pm and i knew they already left..and i said if i still can't ge the labels on it, what do i do? so she said just leave them blank so i said ok


i left about 45 minutes later than i should and left the labels on the tabs blank..i also told the fedex guy to leave even though he was willing to wait b/c i did not want to rush and walked the packets over myself. Before I left i e-mailed her the things she needed and if she looks at the time she will know i left late


But for some reason i am anxious like i did something wrong and i am going to get in trouble or fired by her on monday b/c there werent labels on the tabs or something or for me just being direct--but i don't think i said anything wrong did i? i think i was just very direct and rushed this time so i wasn't my usual super sweet self and i also felt like she spoke down to me when she said you don't need a printer for tabs in this slow voice like am i slow or something but still--i don't want to lose my job...i did get the packets out and did e-mail her the things she wanted and left later than expected on a friday

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i did get the packets out and did e-mail her the things she wanted and left later than expected on a friday


IMO.. this is what matters and hopefully she will too..


Most bosses are only concerned with the end result so if it was as expected then you are all good to go..

The rest about the emails and tone.. I wouldn't worry about it and if she mentions something about it then just say you're sorry for any confusion and you were just trying to make sure you hit fed ex on time.


By the way.. tone in emails is almost impossible to figure out.. if someone adds or leaves off one word in most cases the sentence could be taken many different ways..

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oh.. and you might want to inform her about the status of the tabs so she will expect them that way and won't be surprised when she opens the package..


It will also give her time to adjust for the blank tabs and have them filled in when she gets them..

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thanks for the advice


well she received them today if everything went well and i didn't inform her they were going to be blank b/c i figured we spoke about it already with me asking her if we still can't get the label on the tabs etc


also she spoke to me on the phone when she said that comment in a slow way which made me feel she was talking down to me


so i am just hoping she doesnt notice a problem with the packets and the tabs arent going to be an issue


i think i did ok with how i responded to her? am i being worried for nothing? and i also showed i didn't race out the door b/c i did her e-mail her the other information at about 5:40

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am i being worried for nothing?




The best thing to do right now is relax and just wait to see if she has an issue and even if she does she isn't going to fire you over this.


Worrying about the unknown right now is just gonna drive ya nuts...

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