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What does he want :S

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Hey all, first time user so sorry if I do this wrong in anyway. I'm having a bit of a meltdown at the moment.A couple of weeks ago I got chatting to this guy who was good friends with some of my good friends at school (I'm 19 and Aussie, so school was only 2-3 years ago) who had always sort of intrigued me but we'd never really properly met. We caught up a couple of times and I made a move and got shot down.


When this happened he said he liked this girl who left him for another guy but was planning on leaving that guy to come back to him, so he didn't want to lead me on while he was hung up on this girl. This was Wednesday (Today is Sunday).


Last night we went out to a bar in town and were just hanging out. I thought it was as friends due to his reaction the other day. But as the night went on, we were moshing to the live band and he kept holding onto my hand and trying to tickle me. And not too long after that he kissed me. I asked him about the girl he told me about and he said, to quote as nicely as possible, 'eff her'.


I had had a couple of drinks and stupidly let my happiness at his interest get the better of me and, to again put it as nicely as possible, shared his bed. I figure this morning (i.e. the morning after) that it was just the alcohol. But he was still holding my hand, hugging and kissing me all day. I asked if it was a one off thing and he said he didn't want a relationship but that it might not be a one off.


Needless to say, I am completely confused. One moment he was a decent guy saying he didn't want to lead me on and the next he is making moves regardless of my feelings towards him. I feel like I have been played and need an outsiders opinion on what is going on. I don't particularly have anyone else to ask or who I can tell the whole story to.



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Be careful not to make too much of that one night with him. Because you are interested in the guy, you want something more, but be careful with how you act on your feelings in this case. Your guy sounds like he's tangled up with some other girl right now, and you have to let him clear his head before you can consider a serious relationship with him.


OR.. you can just give this new opening with him all you got. Take the risk. Make him forget that other silly girl by showing him how great you are.

Edited by Ms. Joolie
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Well alcohol attributes to things we would normally not do, after a few drinks life starts to look good and things take a turn down a road where we would normally not go.


Play it by ear and wait for things to happen to see how they pan out, the positive sign is that he was still interested in you and showed it, some guys would give you the cold shoulder, seems like he has no regrets.


People can fall out of love after a while when time passes so that doesn't mean he might not be interested in a relationship, it's just going to take a while to see if he is.


The only catch is if that girl does go back to him and then your left in the cold. But hey life has a way of turning out to be something you totally did not expect.


Any how I hope it turns in your favour.

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