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Girlfriend Tripping out

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My girlfriend told me the other day that she couldn't be in a relationship right now. She told me that she knows that


I am the right person for her and that she could spend a


long time with me. She is 19 and I am 23. She assured me


that she wouldn't go out with anyone else. I haven't talked


to her for a couple of weeks now. What do you think


I should do?

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Well, its sounds to me like she is confused. Most females at that age are. I had my share of ladies tell me the same thing. When ladies say things like that, that is usually just a very nice way of telling you "i don't want to be with you any more" She doesn't want to hurt your feelings, so that is the best way for her to break up with you. There are plenty of ladies out there who DO have time for you and that are willing to be with you now. You shouldn't have to wait on NOBODY!!!!!! My suggestion for you is to move on and forget about this chick. BUT, if must have this girl then LEAVE HER ALONE!!!! forget about her for the time being and DON"T CALL HER!!!! Let her call you and when she does, don't go back with her sooo willingly. Let her know that you don't have time to put up with things like that.


Best of luck to you!!!




My girlfriend told me the other day that she couldn't be in a relationship right now. She told me that she knows that I am the right person for her and that she could spend a long time with me. She is 19 and I am 23. She assured me that she wouldn't go out with anyone else. I haven't talked to her for a couple of weeks now. What do you think I should do?
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When a girl tells you she can't be in a relationship right now, that usually means she doesn't want to be in a relationship with you.


If she is a real turkey, she might give you a little hope by telling you something may happen in the future. That is to keep her options open and that is exactly what she did.


I promise if someone comes along who really rings her chimes, she will be ready for a relationship REAL FAST!!! Ask any platonic friend who is a girl how this works.


Write this chick off NOW and go your merry way. She is not interested in you right now...and maybe never will be. That's OK. You have no idea the number of ladies that are not interested in me...and I'm still standing!!!

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