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Why do so many men in their 30's want young girls???? It is something I have been wondering about and thought I would get some male input on it...

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It's not restricted to 30s...Many men in their 40s, 50s, right up to the 100s are attracted to and desire young females.


Mostly it's a biological reproductive thing. Men produce sperm for a long long time. The ability to produce eggs diminishes with time in females. Hundreds of years ago, life expectancies were not very high and so men mostly mated with females their own age.


The evolutionary process has moved onward and now males seek females who can receive their sperm and reproduce healthy children for them...irregardless of birth control, etc. Remember, this is an instinctual biology thing and the instincts are not aware of birth control.


There is also an element of ego involved. Men who have very weak egos are given a shot of self esteem by being seen with young chirpies. Usually, these relationships don't work out because the young ladies are mostly their for the money, influence, contacts, etc. A younger man will win out with a young woman in the end any day.


Many young girls go with older men to piss of their dads, with whom they are angry or hold a grudge. Others find them more mature and easier to relate to than the flakey jerks they've been in contact with.


Lots of young girls are very impressed with the finances of older men, who can shower them with stuff. But the variety usually wears off when other problems enter into the picture. The goodies get old after a while.


But there seems to also be a strong movement of older women going for younger men these days. Don't ignore that.


I think there are enough varieties of men and women on the planet that anyone ought to be able to choose whatever age, color, sex, etc. they wish.


I would love to see what the human race is like a thousand years from now.

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Good question. There is probably a few reasons. maybe we didn't get very many girls when we where teenagers umm.... We do find that "young fresh" look to them VERY attractive and tempting. They don't seem to argue with us as much as older women. They seem more energetic then older women and they are DEFINATELY very fun to be with. I think most of us guys fantisize about being with a younger girls. I was with a younger girl and i fell in love with her but it took me a while to realize that it was just a game to her and she seen that i was out for a relationship rather than fun and games so she dumped me. A lesson learned the hard way. But yeah i think alot of us guys would like to be with a young girl but just for fun and games. If we want a serious relationship, we should DEFINATELY seek outa woman more our age.

Why do so many men in their 30's want young girls???? It is something I have been wondering about and thought I would get some male input on it...
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I'm 28 (not quite 30 yet!), and dating a 17 yr. old girl (see BELOW--by the way, thanks everybody for your responses...I'm taking all of this into consideration!). I can tell you that six months ago I would never have dreamed I'd be dating such a young girl. I haven't dated anyone this young since I was 17! Of course there is a physical attraction. She is very sexy. Also there is the fact that she makes me feel younger in a sense. But sometimes I have to remind myself that she is so young, because she doesn't act like it most of the time. There ARE lapses on her part, where I can see the immaturity in an obvious manner; but she does act as mature as young women several years older than her most of the time. Some of my guy friends tell me they're envious but I know it's only for sexual reasons. Honestly, I can tell you that I truly WISH she was 5-10 years older, because then I would be more certain about her feelings for me (I don't want to be badly hurt IF and when she decides that the grass is greener elsewhere!). I promise you I'd trade her youth for more experience and wisdom (on her part) if that meant truly knowing that she would be happy with me (and only me) happily ever after... I don't want to marry this girl a year or three from now and then have to wonder if she's wondering what she got herself into. I really want her to KNOW.


But I can tell you that in my case, it basically came down to personality, looks, youthful energy, and excitement (among others) as to why I got involved with her.

Why do so many men in their 30's want young girls???? It is something I have been wondering about and thought I would get some male input on it...
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billy the kid

well magicklady, from the guys I know ( personally when I was 28 I decided I would not date any women more than two years younger,, I had been used by younger women than that, not that it was their fault cuz I let it happen, so at thirty twentyeight was the limit) but I do have friends and so I can give a few reasons.1.) some times they have more shapely bodies.2.) a feeling of superiority, with out having to be dominering.. most ladies in their 20's will let a man in his 30's have total control..3.) and again this goes back to control. Money, most men in their 30's make more than a woman in her 20's. oh well I guess I could go on but basically I would say bodies and control..

Why do so many men in their 30's want young girls???? It is something I have been wondering about and thought I would get some male input on it...
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