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Electronic cigarettes???

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I just heard about these electronic , smokeless cigarettes for the first time last week. I am a horrible chain smoker, so I'm curious and intrigued.


Has anyone tried these yet?


I'd like to hear input from anyone, I'm not inclined to put much stock in the "testimonials" on the same website that's marketing this new product......................................................................

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No clue, but I'm curious too ! So : Bump !


So far the nicotrol inhaler is the best " substitute" I've found so far .

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A gal I worked with used one and was able to step down her nicotine intake via the various filters and quit completely after 1 1/2 months. She hasn't smoked a cigarette since, and it's been about 8 months now since she quit.

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A gal I worked with used one and was able to step down her nicotine intake via the various filters and quit completely after 1 1/2 months. She hasn't smoked a cigarette since, and it's been about 8 months now since she quit.


I am trying this now and I must say have been able to step down mine as well. It is no cigarette, mind you. It is nicotine delivery that soothes the need to have busy hands.

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deux ex machina

Hey, I did my quit cold turkey! :mad::laugh:


I remember you cheering me on in my thread.



I don't know much about them. Are they very expensive?

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Hey, I did my quit cold turkey! :mad::laugh:


I remember you cheering me on in my thread.



I don't know much about them. Are they very expensive?



After numerous calculations, it looks like it's about the same cost as a pack a day habit.(which varies depending on where you live, of course)


The starter kit runs about $55, which, if I recall correctly, is supposed to be a week supply.


One of my concerns is whether or not adequate research has been done on the long term effects- I tend to be very much a skeptic regarding any new pharmaceuticals......I don't have much faith in the FDA lately, it seems like they have approved a lot of products that have turned out to be dangerous in recent years.............



I know, I know, it's kinda hypocritical of me to be worried about the effects on my health, with me being a smoker and all.:o I guess it's a "devil I know" vs. "devil I don't know" mentality.


I did a little more reading on the new cigs and found out that they have been banned outright in some countries, and the advertising has been banned in others. So, I guess I want more info.



Congratulations on quitting, BTW, Deux. It's a great accomplishment.



Thanks also, to everyone else who has replied.:)

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Well, my most sucesful quit was about 4 yrs ago, and it was using the nicitrol inhaler. I wonder if they even make the anymore ?


Back then you needed a DR prescription and it cost about $150 for the whole shebang.


It was a white tube, that you put nicotine cartridges in and this device sounds very similiar.


So if thats true, there's nothing to fear, it's just another nicotine delivery system like the patch or gum. You just aren't beng harmed by the hot tar and all the other chemicals.


The advantage to this delivery system is the ingrained habit one has of holding on to something and inhaling. I even tried to " ash" my inhaler out the car window, or put it out before entering a store !


So, do your research and if it's just delivering nicotine in a fake cig, AND you don't need an RX, thats the way to go !


(I personally am going to look into it more, so thanks !)

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The one I've seen for sale locally is about $75. It looks like a one-hitter, if any of you smoke pot then you know what that is. It says on the package that it actually emits a non-toxic "smoke" that gives you the full experience of smoking a real cigarette. I find that hard to believe and I would have to hear lots of testimony before trying it, but the idea is pretty damn cool.

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After numerous calculations, it looks like it's about the same cost as a pack a day habit.(which varies depending on where you live, of course)


The gal I work with bought the unit for $49, and a bottle of the nicotine drops cost about $25 and she never ran out and gave the whole works to her daughter-in-law. If she, previously being a very avid smoker, could go 1 1/2 months and not run out of $25 worth of drops, I would consider that pretty cheap in comparison.

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These sound pretty interesting. I had heard of them, but have never known what they do.


I smoke, but for some reason I don't have a problem quitting. I'm not addicted at all. When I get angry, stressed, or anxious I always want one, but other than that, it's smooth sailing. I also have no problem going days and days without one, either. :o

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm puffing away happily and safely on my Model 510 e-cig as I type this reply!


I have essentially* quit smoking, after 31 years, since July 4, 2009. I can breathe again!


You can learn all about e-cigs here: http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/


Beware of low-quality e-cigs sold on radio and TV. Educate yourself BEFORE you buy!



*I say "essentially" because I occasionally smoke my pipe, enjoy a fine cigar now and then, and still, I must admit, smoke an occasional cigarette-not even one a day on average.

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  • 1 month later...
Thanks, freestyle.


Yes CONGRATS! epecially cold turkey.



As far as those smokeless ciggys,My friend quit after a month of using them

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deux ex machina

Thank you, Jade :bunny:


Yes - I just took a look at when I first quit and realize that very soon it will be 4 months since I quit - 1/3 of a year.


Everyone has their own methods for quitting and whatever works best for them I say go for it. If electronic cigs do the trick that's great.


I encourage everyone who has tried quitting before to try again if you want to stop. It's alright to stumble. Just keep at it. Don't give up. Be patient with yourself...a moment at a time and you can get there. :)

Edited by deux ex machina
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