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BF (or GF) vs FWB

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what's the difference between a casual-type boyfriend and a fwb?


If the two persons are not exclusive (and never had the exclusivity talk) then there is no difference IMO..

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By definition a fwb means non exclusive?


Might it also be the presumption of a future together? (Is that the same as exclusivity?)

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Neither have any real future.


When the couple begins making real plans for the future and laying the groundwork for one, then it can be said to have a future and in that case, it is usually considerably more than a casual/fwb relationship (unless you have a case where one person is putting in all the work and doing all the planning and the other person is just placating them.)

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An FWB is along the lines of having sex with a prostitute, only for free and a little bit more legal. There must be ZERO emotional ties to each other. You are just having sex for the sake of sex and you are both tired of masturbating.


If you or the other person gets even .0000000000000001% of feelings for the other person, it's no longer a FWB and the situation gets complicated beyond control.

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If you or the other person gets even .0000000000000001% of feelings for the other person, it's no longer a FWB

Hhmmm. The "F" stands for 'friends', though, and friends certainly do have feelings for each other -- respect, admiration, caring, etc., which are also qualities of 'love'.

IME, complications arise if/when expectations and/or feelings become materially different for one person than the other.


I agree with Lizzie - to me, FWB is just the current-day term for what used to be called a "casual relationship" back in my day (a long, long time ago!)

If nothing else, the thread seems to point to an FWB being exactly and only what each participant makes of it so...choose wisely ;)

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If you or the other person gets even .0000000000000001% of feelings for the other person, it's no longer a FWB and the situation gets complicated beyond control.


That's for damn sure!!!

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