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Sensitive but strong male...

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Sooo you are as HOT as the pic ? :eek:



Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Those are my eyes and I did take that picture during film school playing around with lighting (it's about 3 years old). I didn't expect them to come out like they did but I liked them and decided to use them. I also have a photo-shopped version that makes me look like a Sith, that I love. But yes, that's me.... and thank you for the compliment. I honestly don't hear that often, if at all.


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Lol @ the WoW pun (I am easily amused :) )


You have to appreciate the little things. ;)



I'm happy to talk to people at random because you never know who you might meet, but I would be rather dubious of someone who asked me on a date when our conversation had not revealed a mental connection between us. Not only would I not want to date him, I would also question his motives for wanting to date me.


Like you, I'd be more inclined to date the smart and interesting person who wasn't so good looking, rather than the gorgeous guy with nothing going on upstairs. An attractive person with formidable intelligence is a rare find indeed, and someone who is all of that plus kind/fun/compassionate/committed etc is rarer than astatine :(



Good conversation really does a lot for me on many levels.

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In Repair: I would expect a stranger to speak to me and attempt to ascertain something about my personality, at least enough to decide if I'm interesting enough to get to know better. It works both ways of course - I want to find out if the guy is interesting before I'll agree to a date. The guys I find interesting are in such short supply that 99% of the time I'm simply wasting my time dating people with whom I haven't already observed a mental connection.

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Those are my eyes and I did take that picture during film school playing around with lighting (it's about 3 years old). I didn't expect them to come out like they did but I liked them and decided to use them.



They do look nice :o


Mine are green, so a similar photo of me would probably give the impression of a leprechaun squinting through a letterbox :laugh:

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They do look nice :o


:o Thank you. Coming from you, I'm sincerely flattered.


Mine are green, so a similar photo of me would probably give the impression of a leprechaun squinting through a letterbox :laugh:


I wanna see! I wanna see!!! /beg :laugh:

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Lol @ the WoW pun (I am easily amused :) )


I'm happy to talk to people at random because you never know who you might meet, but I would be rather dubious of someone who asked me on a date when our conversation had not revealed a mental connection between us. Not only would I not want to date him, I would also question his motives for wanting to date me.


Like you, I'd be more inclined to date the smart and interesting person who wasn't so good looking, rather than the gorgeous guy with nothing going on upstairs. An attractive person with formidable intelligence is a rare find indeed, and someone who is all of that plus kind/fun/compassionate/committed etc is rarer than astatine :(


Honestly Thornton ,


How many men would be attracted to a very large ghastly smelling women and forgo the mental side ?

How many will step up and want to date her because she is affiliated with some Star Wars Convention ?


Her looks matter NOT ? I don't think so.


A man is attracted to your physical attributes for eventual breeding purposes. Can you imagine if that weren't the case ? NO babies would be born because he is looking at your intellect first ?


You must also find a part of the male attractive. Whether its his smile or his low brow or just the way he feel when he wraps his arms around you..


Some men honestly don't care about your intelligence as much as they might care about how you interact with their families , how you handle money , how you handle conflict or how good you are in bed. ( believe it )

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Of course you should be open to positive change, but sometimes the things that people dislike about you aren't negative traits that you wish to change. Take my youth as an example: I didn't much like being unpopular, but I was not prepared to behave badly and smoke and take drugs simply to fit in with the cool kids; I preferred to stay true to my own morals and simply be unpopular. In the same way, I'm not prepared to pretend to be stupid in order to pacify a man who doesn't want an intelligent girlfriend, I'm not prepared to pretend I like or dislike certain things just to fit in with a certain group of people, I'm not prepared to act against my morals just because everyone else does it. I am who I am, and I already spent enough of my life feeling bad about not fitting in - maybe I'm a geek, maybe some people find me boring, maybe my clothes aren't fashionable - but that's who I am, take it or leave it.


That's not what I was referring to at all. Not going to devulge any further, hopefully the OP will find his path (wow I'm starting to sound like Carhill :D).


Now, if you all will excuse me, time for me to F OFF :).

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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Those are my eyes and I did take that picture during film school playing around with lighting (it's about 3 years old). I didn't expect them to come out like they did but I liked them and decided to use them. I also have a photo-shopped version that makes me look like a Sith, that I love. But yes, that's me.... and thank you for the compliment. I honestly don't hear that often, if at all.



Drop dead goreous eyes...

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I wanna see! I wanna see!!! /beg :laugh:


Umm... okay, seeing as you asked so nicely. I shall temporarily put my peepers up as my profile pic.


ETA: Gosh, the photo appears very small. I shall attempt to edit it. Stay tuned for further developments!

Edited by Thornton
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Umm... okay, seeing as you asked so nicely. I shall temporarily put my peepers up as my profile pic.


ETA: Gosh, the photo appears very small. I shall attempt to edit it. Stay tuned for further developments!


Oh my... lovely! :love:

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How strong are you ? :)


There are many ways of measuring strength. Which way do you mean? I used to bench 200 lbs during college and I'm trying to get that back. I'm currently back at 150 lbs on the bench after a month (actually about 3 my memory sux) at the gym. It shouldn't be too long before my muscle memory kicks back in.

Edited by Zansatsu
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Oh my... lovely! :love:


... said Z politely, although he was actually unable to see the pinprick-sized photo :laugh:

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... said Z politely, although he was actually unable to see the pinprick-sized photo :laugh:


At one point it was large enough for me to actually make out your eyes. :p lol

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There are many ways of measuring strength. Which way do you mean? I used to bench 200 lbs during college and I'm trying to get that back. I'm currently back at 150 lbs on the bench after a month (actually about 3 my memory sux) at the gym. It shouldn't be too long before my muscle memory kicks back in.


Well your title says Sensitive but Strong male..just wondering :)

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Well your title says Sensitive but Strong male..just wondering :)


In retrospect that sounded loaded. I think I am a loyal person with good self-discipline and that I am honest. I can be stubborn but usually only when I have the evidence to support that I'm right. I am definitely working on going back to the shape I was in, in college. I used to work out because it helped me feel better about myself and actually helped me with my concetration and stress as well. I'm also a "go down fighting" kind of person so if I find myself in an adverse situation of any kind, I try to strengthen myself in as many ways as I can (Mentally, Physically, Emotionally, Spiritually).


I think I used the word "strong" as a way to remind myself (more than anyone else) that I'm not weak and I am a capable person despite struggling with depression.

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I give up - I make the image bigger and the stupid website shrinks it down again, I know not why. If anyone simply has to know what my eyes look like, they'll have to email me and request the full-size photo :laugh:

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I give up - I make the image bigger and the stupid website shrinks it down again, I know not why. If anyone simply has to know what my eyes look like, they'll have to email me and request the full-size photo :laugh:


As such... maybe someone should check theirs... O.o

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Hmmm I am curious Thorton - you seem to complain about relationships, staying single forever, not meeting anyone compatible etc etc, yet you fail to mention that you are in a long term relationship right now (2 years I believe) :confused:

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I have been dating someone for a while, that much is true. But I am not anticipating a proposal of marriage from that individual, and if you review my posts I have not mentioned being single - I have complained about being unmarried and childless at 30, which I am. I also have concerns about the long-term potential of my current relationship, so I think it's reasonable for me to feel that I struggle to meet suitable men (including my current boyfriend, who is not my ideal). I still worry about ending up as an old spinster with six cats, given that my current relationship has problems and I don't meet any other eligible guys - to some extent I settled for my current partner for exactly that reason.

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