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Why wont she go away?

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I have a dangerous situation forming here. My Fiances ex has gone ballistic and has called us nearly 10x a day begging him to return to her. She goes from angry, to sad to sexual with him. She hired someone to splash paint on our garage and front steps. She said she wants to meet me and tells him to get me out of her house. I have 2 small children and I am worried. This is suppossed to be a good time in our lives!


This woman is nuts and has a tedency to destroy property. She ruined over 10,000 dollars worth of his belongings and still wants her vacuum back. He gave her the money to buy a new vacuum when they lived together because she destroyed that one too. Same story for the coffee table. Why does she have to be crazy!!!


She twists things up in her head calling me a slut and a liar. I have repeatedly questioned my fiance and I even went through suspicion with him. Now I have faith in him. She once called over 40 times in a 15 hour period. She wants to know why he cant forgive her she just wants a second chance. That its immature for him to be angry about what she has done to him and hurting her by being with me is so wrong of him... She even called to complain that he was making her use up all her minutes on her cell. Its NUTS, its always what someone is doing to her. We havent even spoken One word to her for 2 weeks. We just listen to her messages and think Oh My God!


I know he hasnt had any contact with her. I am not going to be blind to any lies from another man. I am trying to see things as clearly as possible so that I dont get duped....HELP!!

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I totally understand what your going through, I went through a very similar situation a few years back with the X girlfriend of my now X boy friend.


It was horrible, she was psychotic, constantly threatening to cause physical harm to him and I both. I really thought that she was just crazy but unfortunately later I found that her "craziness" was the result of him lying to her and still leading her on and then denying it when she confronted us.


Sad to say I only came to find out the truth years after being w/ him but what I did learn from that situation was that sometimes, not always and maybe not in your situation, the girl has a reason to be acting this way and most the time the reason turns out to be that the guy is still in some way leading her on.


Now if your absolutely sure that he is in no way leading this girl on and she is genuinely psychotic and doing these things totally unprovoked then I would take Arabess's advice and report this soon! Get a restraining order put out on her, that should tame her.


Hopefully eventually she'll let down, in my situation the girl did give up even though it turned out that she had reason to act that way (not that I condone those actions in anyway, just saying sometimes people are pushed too far).


Good luck

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If you want some answers from some people who have been obsessed with their ex's, read this:



Also, I agree with the restraining order idea. Looks like this situation is out of control. If anything, I would have thought that your fiance would do something by now.

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Well we finally called the police... We are going to go to the court house as soon as he can get a day off of work. We changed the number and there isnt much more we can do. I refuse to be in denial about my fiance....He is being very supportive and doesnt pick up her calls...the truth is I can never be 100% ya know all I can do is protect myself.

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