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My Friends broke up me and my boyfriend

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Well my boyfriend has took a job which means he works away, so me and my friends dont really have a lot of money so what we do is just do down and ahve a drink in her house, well this time i got far too drunk and i admit that and yeah i was probably annoying people as you do when you drink to much, but what my so called friends have done was phoned my boyfriend and told him stories which are abosolute lies about me abnd the two other guys that where there, so he now has phoned me and says he doesnt know who to believe, which has made me quite angry, and says that we should go on a break untill he can get the chance to come back from his work and we can talk, now i dont know but i feel that i am getting punished for something i didnt do, i didnt know that these soo called friends can stoop soo low, and should i even wait for a guy that thought that loved me and then believes my friends i am just sooo confused.

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Your friends didn't break you up. Not unless they put a gun to your head and made you pour booze down your throat. You acknowledge you were "probably annoying people," but won't say how exactly--which is telling in itself. Sorry, but finding out your GF/BF is an obnoxious drunk is a very valid reason for wanting to break up with them. Stop blaming your friends for what you yourself caused.

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