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How to make friends with 2 chicks in the same class?

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HOW do you make friends with 2 chicks in the same class??


ok here's my situation, today one of those girls was absent and the other was there, i had a good chat with her for about an hr...so much can happen in 1 hr! we were talking to each other as if we considered each other friends.


I want to have convos w/her again next week and make a new friend.

but there's another girl in class that i wanna make friends with...if not i just wanna ask her out for a date. she doesnt talk to anyone in class, she doesnt seem like the shy type, just the type that doesnt talk cause she doesnt feel a need to.


anyway my situation is, when the other girl shows up next week, how do i start having convos w/her w/o ignoring the other girl? OR if i talk to her then her and go back n forth they will definitely start thinking im a player.


I dont want to give the impression of player to the other girl or make her think up other stuff about me. since ive changed these past weeks, i talk and am open to anyone that talks to me. i talk to average of 50% of the ppl in most of my classes. but throughout all those classes ive either made an acquantence or just someone i can talk to in class, not a friend yet....

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the easiest way would be to go talk to one of them, then wave the other one over when she walks in, and introduce them to each other. then all three of you can talk, and you can get to know both of them simultaneously.


good luck,


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As usual YES....you have the perfect REPLY!!!!! I was gonna say something stupid like hiding out at the water fountain.......LOL!

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