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A Classic: Two Friends, Two Crushes, One Guy

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I wasn't sure where to post this little dilemma, so I guess I'll post it here. I don't think it's really something I can get any advice to do anything about, but I really need a place to rant anonymously to get it off my chest. (And if anyone has a similar situation that they wouldn't mind sharing how they coped, it would be awesome to meet someone in the same boat.)


Anyway, so I'm one of those lifelong shy types who has crushes few and far between, but when I do crush, I crush hard and I don't know how to deal with the crush because of my intense shyness. A while back I met a really cute guy and almost immediately had a crush on him and a few days later he met two of my friends (we all go to the same college). I was really having a great time being around him until I got the impression he might be crushing on one of my friends, so it made me feel uncomfortable (and I'll admit, a bit jealous) and awkward around him. Then I noticed the three of them seemed to get along better than the four of us, making me feel like I shouldn't be around them. So I tried to turn off the crushing, but of course that never works, and then I find out that recently they had a blast without me while I was sick. That of course made me feel great!


Then unhappily enough, even worse fears were realized when I got confirmation (I had started to suspect earlier but was trying to ignore it) that my other friend (not the one who I thought my crush had a crush on) had a crush on my crush! Fantastic, right? And she's got it about as bad as me: she just keeps gushing about him to me and she really wants to be in a relationship. (Neither of us were the dating types in HS, but she's more outgoing than I am at present.) So naturally, I'm terribly jealous. I also feel bad for being jealous, but I can't stop. But I also will never tell her about my crush, that would be a horrible thing to do. And again, being around the three of them is getting progressively worse. I hate feeling like I'm killing their fun or always saying the wrong thing or ruining the mood. (I doubt it's coincidence that somehow the three of them manage to talk forever and have fun without me, yet he always leaves early when I'm around. I kind of get the feeling he knows I like him, though I'm not positive, and yet he's still into one or both of my other friends hence the reason he's so quick to disappear around me. :()


Rant over. (I feel slightly better now having been able to get that out.) Thanks for "listening."

Edited by Go_Figure
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