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hey everyone my name is dan,


Im 16 and i deeply in love with this girl, we've been going out almost 8 months now and we are on a "break". Its been my frist real like relationship i love this girl so much. Its been a wonderful 8 months. We connect on every level. But like 3 weeks ago she told me she wants a break.



She needed to "find herself" i was confused but i stuck with it for like 2 weeks. I really cant deal with it. My emotions are going crazy. I told her how i feel and she apoligizes but i just miss "us" and how we used to be. I really dont know what to do. Im asking u please to respond and try to help with me deal with this, and is it normal for people to take breaks?

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Oh Dan....taking a break still happens when people are DECADES older than you!!!!


In your case though, at 17, her asking for a break is totally understandable and isn't near as fatal as when someone asks for it at 40. You are probably the only serious boyfriend she has ever had. Long before she would want to make a life ling commitment....she needs to explore who she is and what she wants from her life. Not necessarily in the ways of love.....but just what she needs to accomplish to feel she has made the efforts needed to reach her goals.


I'm assuming you are both at an age where you are contemplating college. Maybe she needs to make that choice without factoring in a boyfriend.


I'm not saying you don't hurt and aren't lonely.....I'm just saying it comes with the territory of the particular age you are both at. Nothing is wrong with YOU....nothing is wrong with HER. You are just at the crossroad of life where there are decisions to be made....and love can cloud up those decisions.


Offer to remain friends and be supportive. Love and time can always bring you back together later.

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