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Uhh...guess who's got another problem :/

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I'm also pleased to hear things are improving for you! They are improving for me too! (I had some major trust insecurity issues, and asked lots of questions about my partner's ex-wife, the past etc, and got very obsessive...this did not help our love...but I am getting myself on track now, and as a result WE are getting on track again too...funny how good breeds more good...and bad breeds more bad isn't it?)


I hope things get better and better for you both from here.


PS I know all about past wounds taking a while to heal! I still get upset on the inside sometimes about things that happened months and months ago. Maybe we get frightened, that if we let it go, it will come back to bite us on the bum again! But really, we do need to let go and trust that things will be ok.

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I'm pleased that things are improving for you and I too Thinkalot :) I have this site to think for most of it, though. Loveshack helped me realize things about myself that I just didn't see! Plus, they offer tremendous support when you need it worst :D



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