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What do I do?

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My good friend ended an affair in June, or he ended it really. She is obsessed. As a result she is unhappy in her marriage and fighting with spouse. She is also very moody which is so not her in general. I don't know what to say to her? I asked her one time if she wanted a divorce and she jumped down my throat and said why do you want me to b e divorced. She is always talking about the OM and what he is doing looking at what he is doing on line and what his wife is doing. I am at the end of my rope really with her. Do I just continue to shut up and listen or give advice, and if I say anything I am the bad guy.........HELP>>>>>>>>>

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She already has lashed out at you, so stay out of it. Completely.. She isn't ready to hear anything you have to say.


When/if she's ready to talk, or ask for your advice, then talk to her.

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If she jumps on you again for saying anything - after she continues to vent to you - tell her she is NOT to talk to you that way; that if that is how she talks to her H, that is on him, but she is not to treat you poorly.


Tell her that you really are tired of listening to her complain and obsess about the MM and while you care for her, you can't be her sounding board on THAT subject anymore.

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