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Is he interested or just treating me as a friend?

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So I am a student who just started working at this computer lab at school as a Lab Aide, where other computer technicians' offices are located. I only work at that specific location once a week, which is a Thursday. Other days, I work at other locations that I will be by myself without managers or supervisors.


When I first started working at the main lab, I tried to get to know everyone, or at least pay attention who is who, so when a manager refer me someone to go to, I would know what that person is. So I noticed this guy who is pretty cool, but never introduce himself to me, neither do other managers/supervisors. Smart enough, I found out his name. One day, it was only me and him working on that particular lab, and I needed an Xacto knife to open up some printing paper boxes for refills. I went to Greg (the guy)'s office and asked for an Xacto knife. He handed to me and I returned it when I was done with it. Later on that night, he came out of his office to the circulation/customer service desk (where I sit) to get his stack of paper stapled. We chatted for a quite a while. I asked about his work history and his background, he pretty much gave me a brief history of what he had done in the past 5 years. Since he was a Mac technician of the lab, I figured I may ask him some questions about computers or iphones. Our conversation develops. One day, I dropped my hard drive on a hard wood floor, and it totally died. I was very screwed and didn't know what to do. So I looked up for his email on the school web site, and emailed him my situation in hopes of help. He replied my email and asked me to go into his office when I get a chance. I stopped by his office and we took our time figuring out what went wrong with the hard drive. We were talking about our perspective/opinion about some sort of cultural topics. And he also told me about his exgirlfriend that he had but had married someone else now. He told me she was from the same country as I am. Not out of surprised, the hard drive could not be fixed with his limited skills. I offered to treat him a drink just for saying thank you.


It has been about two months since I worked there, maybe a little less. I don't see him often because our work schedule is very different. I work frmo 7:30pm to midnight, while his shift ends at 8:30pm. There's only an hour of chance to catch his face, and he is usually walking around the building chatting with other coworkers. Lately, during my shift there, he would stop by my desk and chat for long time until students interrupt or managers kicking him away to let me work. I like talking with him. He makes real strong and straight eye contact with me when we talk. Even the first time at his office, he looked at me so deeply that I think I was blushing within my heart. :p This past Thursday night, as usual I got off around 11:30pm. I saw him walking into the elevator around 9pm, and never see him get back until later the night, I thought he left already. But in surprise, he came back and stayed until the lab was closed. I was about to leave and saw him at the elevator, so I asked him if he could wait for me, and he stayed behind when I wrap my things up to leave. We walked to the subway together, however we are on different train/direction. As soon as we walked pass through the gate, he gave out his hand for a handshake, and wished me a good weekend. I was a little confused what the handshake was about. Do anyone of you know?


Note: There were two times he was mummbling/blurred his sentences, and when I asked him what he was talking about, he said "nevermind" as he looked down. Words that I captured from those sentences were "go out", "date", "bar", "college student".


How can I tell if he is interested or not? Can anyone tell me so that I can do things accordingly. Some one please tell me before I see him again this Thursday!

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First of all, this post could have been much, much shorter. You're going to get fewer responses than you otherwise might because it is so long. We just need a general sense of what is going on. We don't need a minute by minute account of everything that has gone on between you. You needed a knife, he handed it to you, you handed it back, blah blah blah ENOUGH!


That said, it sounds like the easy solution is to just ask him. You're idea of a thank you drink was a good one. Do soemthing like that again and see how he responds.

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