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Male height in looks "rating"--Is 5'4" a "1"?


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Whose forcing you to read them? When I see most of your posts I just scroll past them quickly because of how retarded and annoying you are. I bet you wear a backwards baseball hat and listen to rap.


He hooked ya in this time...shorty

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Are we to believe that everyone else is wrong in their experience and yours is the only truth? Not all women are height queens, most just want a guy that is taller than them, that is all.



OP here.


While a lot of the current discussion is irrelevant to my aims and comments, I could flood this thread Whit statistics I've come across once I started looking into this issue in an empirical way.


Multiple studies show that women, on average, desire a man who is 6 inches taller than they are. Hence, the standard, avg. 5'4" woman wants a guy who's 5'10". That's far more than merely "taller than them."

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I don't think it's stumpy, it's just an easy attraction for people to post these sorts of things up. Some people also have a weird need that if they are miserable/unsuccessful they find something to blame it on then argue that everyone else with that same attribute has to be miserable too. There is absolutely no point in engaging with these people as their agenda isn't discussion/promoting well being, it's simply to drive their own problems down everyone elses throat



OP here.


No, to repeat, I'm not Stumpy. I'm only vaguely familiar with him, not being an active user.


There is quite a point in engaging with me ON THE ISSUES I was/am addressing. Unfortunately, no one is doing that. I'm not trying to shove anything down anyone's throat. I asked questions and have made some observations. I'm not putting anyone down nor am I trying to spread misery.


If you read my original post and main subsequent follow-up and find words of mine that fit your your characterizations, pleas post them to prove me wrong. Otherwise, YOU'RE the one projecting into what I'm up to here. If you want to bash Stumpy, go ahead. What I'm up to is distinctly different from his agenda, so don't conflate my agenda with his.

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OP here.


No, to repeat, I'm not Stumpy. I'm only vaguely familiar with him, not being an active user.


There is quite a point in engaging with me ON THE ISSUES I was/am addressing. Unfortunately, no one is doing that. I'm not trying to shove anything down anyone's throat. I asked questions and have made some observations. I'm not putting anyone down nor am I trying to spread misery.


If you read my original post and main subsequent follow-up and find words of mine that fit your your characterizations, pleas post them to prove me wrong. Otherwise, YOU'RE the one projecting into what I'm up to here. If you want to bash Stumpy, go ahead. What I'm up to is distinctly different from his agenda, so don't conflate my agenda with his.


It's very much the same agenda. In your opening post you don't ask something to the effect of "I feel insecure about my height, what do I do?" you simply make a statement that you feel your height is unattractive and invite people to back that up.


So are you feeling happier/more motivated/more positive towards dating now? Because that's exactly what they've done, we've had numerous pages of quite unhappy men complaining and whining about how women perceive them. Quite simply, I think numerous people need some therapy on this issue and to find some motivation instead of obsessing about their height on an internet forum!

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It's very much the same agenda. In your opening post you don't ask something to the effect of "I feel insecure about my height, what do I do?" you simply make a statement that you feel your height is unattractive and invite people to back that up.


So are you feeling happier/more motivated/more positive towards dating now? Because that's exactly what they've done, we've had numerous pages of quite unhappy men complaining and whining about how women perceive them. Quite simply, I think numerous people need some therapy on this issue and to find some motivation instead of obsessing about their height on an internet forum!


I don't think any one here is looking for advice, what this thread is is simply a place for all of us to vent. These threads keep coming back because all of us are bottling this crap in because I think we all agree, whining about it isn't manly or productive, but you do need to do it when it's as serious and every day thing as the height in dating world issue atleast on an internet forum where there is no embarrassment.


It's pretty simple: no matter what, there will *always* be someone interested in a woman. The problem is that many women ignore the quality of the pool from this computation, and easily mistake constant interest from guys for inner self worth, and BAM! - become way more picky than could be justified by looking at what they actually bring to the table. But, you wouldn't want to be with such a delusional person anyway, although there will always be some of that.


Chances are that yo'll marry down at least along one dimension, do don't sweat it. It's just the way it is.[/Quote]


I agree completely. There are just so many sub par, boring, superficial and unintelligent women out there, and even they get hit on constantly. I have never had a problem making friends with witty, intelligent, cool guys everywhere I go, but women I meet in the same exact venues on a daily basis are bland, ruin conversations, and have a soulless look in their eyes very common in women living in the USA. Only exception I can make is perhaps some older ladies who might have 1 or 2 interesting things to say, but every other woman i know can only talk about the same old dumb superficial crap: Celebrities, gossip, celebrity gossip, clothes, and maybe what guy they think is hot. They're lucky 50% of the population is male or humanity wouldn't even have the wheel.

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I don't think any one here is looking for advice, what this thread is is simply a place for all of us to vent. These threads keep coming back because all of us are bottling this crap in because I think we all agree, whining about it isn't manly or productive, but you do need to do it when it's as serious and every day thing as the height in dating world issue atleast on an internet forum where there is no embarrassment.


I don't have a problem with venting, what I have a problem with is the dysmorphic perspective that's being put forward, in particular by yourself. Numerous people on this thread have made it clear that height is not a barrier from their own personal experience. You choose to ignore this, instead proclaiming that all short men are screwed. The title of the opening post practically asks you to do that though.


What you're not accepting cognac, is that many people finding dating difficult, and many people get over that by confronting their issues head on. Having a defeatist attitude only harms you ultimately.

Edited by Rudderless
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How my height brings me from a 6 or a 7 to a -1 in terms of attractiveness I will never understand.


You're just totally wrong, I can tell you that from personal experience.


I had a brief phase of very bad confidence during the lowest ebb of my life so I understand where you're coming from. If you didn't have such a defeatist attitude like the OP and were looking for real genuine advice I would offer to send you some pics of me and some of the women (easily 9+ by the soft way people judge looks here) that I've been out with, which would change your view. Thing is, it won't make any difference given the state you're in right now. It makes me cringe when instead of seeking people that can help you you'd rather use the irrelevant diatribe of some lonely old munter as concrete proof of your own inability to score with women.


my view is that most women are extremely picky, and the few who aren't are virtually indiscriminate (they'll be with anyone).


It's not most women. The minority of women with low esteem/confidence whine about how they can never meet men and use all sorts of external requirements as a defence mechanism to cover up their own ineptitude. If they seek something that doesn't exist, they can't be rejected by it. The internet and in particular on-line dating is littered with these types of women because it goes with the territory. Similarly, men with low esteem/confidence issues also avoid rejection by whining about how awful women are. Take a look at your own attitude.


women I meet in the same exact venues on a daily basis are bland, ruin conversations, and have a soulless look in their eyes very common in women living in the USA

It's up to you if you want to use the opposite sex an excuse for your own ineptitude and debate it here endlessly, or do the brave thing and fix your lack of confidence so that you can find a way to meet women you're attracted to that are interested in you. It's not necessarily easy, but no-one can help you until you choose to help yourself.
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Male celebrities that are "average" in height:


Tom Cruise (USED to be attractive before he got all weird with the Scientology crap - was definitely a gold standard back in the day for a "hot guy") - 5'7"

Mark Wahlberg - 5'8" (hawt...I'd totally crawl on that)

Seth Green - 5'4" (his looks are unconventional, but I've thought he was hot since before the Austin Powers movies)

John Stewart - 5'7" (attractive - I know there are several women on this board that would "hit it," to speak crudely)

Daniel Radcliffe - 5'8"

Ben Stiller - 5'7"

Emilio Estevez - 5'7"



Not a single one of those are "1" because of their height. What a load of crap. Don't tell me that their number is higher just because they're celebs. There are plenty of ugly celebs out there.


But you'll believe what you want to believe. I'm not sure why I continue to feed into these threads. Go get some professional help - it's the only thing that will save you.

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You're just totally wrong, I can tell you that from personal experience.


I had a brief phase of very bad confidence during the lowest ebb of my life so I understand where you're coming from. If you didn't have such a defeatist attitude like the OP and were looking for real genuine advice I would offer to send you some pics of me and some of the women (easily 9+ by the soft way people judge looks here) that I've been out with, which would change your view. Thing is, it won't make any difference given the state you're in right now. It makes me cringe when instead of seeking people that can help you you'd rather use the irrelevant diatribe of some lonely old munter as concrete proof of your own inability to score with women. [/Quote]


I don't really care about "improving" myself, IE being someone I'm not. What you see is what you get, along with all the hang ups. If a woman can give me a chance she is lucky because I am the closest to a perfect man (personality wise) out there. I don't need any self-help snake oil to make me feel better, the only thing that makes you feel better is actual results with women.



It's not most women. The minority of women with low esteem/confidence whine about how they can never meet men and use all sorts of external requirements as a defence mechanism to cover up their own ineptitude. If they seek something that doesn't exist, they can't be rejected by it. The internet and in particular on-line dating is littered with these types of women because it goes with the territory. Similarly, men with low esteem/confidence issues also avoid rejection by whining about how awful women are. Take a look at your own attitude.[/Quote]


Don't know where you live but where I am most women are like that.


And personally I don't have any confidence or self-esteem issues, I take my pros and my cons. I am simply speaking from the woman's point of view which is very disgusted by my height. Of course, there are a handful of women who can get over it after getting to know me and seeing I'm a great guy (not a doormat), but unfortunately they are very few, far between, and almost always already have boyfriends.


It's up to you if you want to use the opposite sex an excuse for your own ineptitude and debate it here endlessly, or do the brave thing and fix your lack of confidence so that you can find a way to meet women you're attracted to that are interested in you. It's not necessarily easy, but no-one can help you until you choose to help yourself.



I don't feel inept at all. I don't get my value from women, that is laughable. Judging from the type of guy I see women go for (retard who sits around memorizing sports statistics and acts like a whigga) I personally think that women not being into me is a huge compliment, it shows I'm not a complete piece of trash. I am not anxious or panicking because I know for a fact I am going to get my future wife from another country, where I know I am considered somewhat attractive, anyway.



Tom Cruise (USED to be attractive before he got all weird with the Scientology crap - was definitely a gold standard back in the day for a "hot guy") - 5'7"

Mark Wahlberg - 5'8" (hawt...I'd totally crawl on that)

Seth Green - 5'4" (his looks are unconventional, but I've thought he was hot since before the Austin Powers movies)

John Stewart - 5'7" (attractive - I know there are several women on this board that would "hit it," to speak crudely)

Daniel Radcliffe - 5'8"

Ben Stiller - 5'7"

Emilio Estevez - 5'7"



Not a single one of those are "1" because of their height. What a load of crap. Don't tell me that their number is higher just because they're celebs. There are plenty of ugly celebs out there.


But you'll believe what you want to believe. I'm not sure why I continue to feed into these threads. Go get some professional help - it's the only thing that will save you.[/Quote]



OK this is really misleading. Most women for example don't know that these celebrities are actually not very tall just by watching their movies. For good reason, movie directors use all kinds of camera and set tricks to make guys like Tom Cruise and Mark Wahlberg look very tall. Seth Green is probably one exception I'll make but I doubt most women would like him in real life if he wasn't rich and famous.


Someone should research into how successful Seth Green was with women before he hit fame and fortune, LOL. Because trust me, if women like Seth Green, then I would be brad pitt (and so would my other normal looking friends who women don't like).

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It would seem to me that, speaking in the physical (height), one way to help offset the height percentage some is to have a big penis. I don't know what these online dating services indicate, but a poll of almost 1000 women by Psychology Today indicated that 10% of women rate penis size as very important. It seems to me that many of that 10% group would be willing to forego any height preferences if the guy was packing. If it mattered to her how it looks in public to be with a short fellow she could just make sure he wears pants (not tight though) that help show off that her man is working with more than your taller man is. One of prevailing theories as to why women prefer taller guys is because it makes them feel more protected. Even if that doesn't exacly make sense this day and age, for various reasons, it could be that dna programming just hasn't adjusted enough to modern times yet. At any rate, there is pecking order mentality amongst guys when it comes to penis size. Many guys would not even consider trying anything with a woman who they see has a SO who looks like he's packing. Women who are into big penies and are aware of this pecking order would be inclined to overlook height. I'm not sure though how many size queens (women who put much importance on penis size)would realise this about the pecking order. Even if many size queens don't, size queens tend to view big penises as very manly and that would help some size queens overlook a height preference. Not saying this would help up the percentage for a short guy much, as there are only 10% women who are size queens, but I think it is bound to help some. Of course a short guy has to have a big one for this to apply at all, and most guys don't, short or tall. All in all not a very stastically useful post, but I think it applies to some degree.


The problem is many women don't want a short man because of public appearances. The size of your package won't address this, although they will definitely let their friends know you are packing which will make some women view you differently. The other thing is your package is something women won't see until they have already embraced you. You can't walk around swinging it or bragging about it so it's not really a selling point until after the decision to purchase is made.


Finally, there are more size queens that care about height than genitalia size. Having a nice package will give you confidence though and that's something a women finds attractive and can detect from a mile away.

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Male celebrities that are "average" in height:


Tom Cruise (USED to be attractive before he got all weird with the Scientology crap - was definitely a gold standard back in the day for a "hot guy") - 5'7"

Mark Wahlberg - 5'8" (hawt...I'd totally crawl on that)

Seth Green - 5'4" (his looks are unconventional, but I've thought he was hot since before the Austin Powers movies)

John Stewart - 5'7" (attractive - I know there are several women on this board that would "hit it," to speak crudely)

Daniel Radcliffe - 5'8"

Ben Stiller - 5'7"

Emilio Estevez - 5'7"



Not a single one of those are "1" because of their height. What a load of crap. Don't tell me that their number is higher just because they're celebs. There are plenty of ugly celebs out there.


But you'll believe what you want to believe. I'm not sure why I continue to feed into these threads. Go get some professional help - it's the only thing that will save you.


Imagine if they were neither rich nor famous.

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I don't really care about "improving" myself, IE being someone I'm not.


Don't be someone you are not. Just be a better you. We all have areas we can improve upon and nobody is perfect. When someone says improve, they mean work on the areas you need improvement on. They do not mean change into someone else.


What you see is what you get, along with all the hang ups. If a woman can give me a chance she is lucky because I am the closest to a perfect man (personality wise) out there.


It's good that you think you are the closest to the "perfect man" but I'd argue there is no perfect man out there. EVERYONE has issues/problems they can work on.


I don't need any self-help snake oil to make me feel better, the only thing that makes you feel better is actual results with women.


So you base your self-worth on how women feel about you? That in and of itself says a lot about who you are -- and what you need to work on.


And personally I don't have any confidence or self-esteem issues, I take my pros and my cons. I am simply speaking from the woman's point of view which is very disgusted by my height. Of course, there are a handful of women who can get over it after getting to know me and seeing I'm a great guy (not a doormat), but unfortunately they are very few, far between, and almost always already have boyfriends.


That's why social groups are good to get involved with (rock-climbing, hiking, sports groups, etc).


I don't feel inept at all. I don't get my value from women, that is laughable.


This totally contradicts what you said above -- and I quote:

I don't need any self-help snake oil to make me feel better, the only thing that makes you feel better is actual results with women.


It seems that you do indeed garner your self-worth by your success/failure with women.


Judging from the type of guy I see women go for (retard who sits around memorizing sports statistics and acts like a whigga) I personally think that women not being into me is a huge compliment, it shows I'm not a complete piece of trash. I am not anxious or panicking because I know for a fact I am going to get my future wife from another country, where I know I am considered somewhat attractive, anyway.


That's an aweful lot of assumptions and stereotypes. I don't think the problem is women and their preferences. I think it's your outlook on women in general. If you look for the bad in people, you will always find it. If you look for the good (especially when it comes to women) you will also find it.


OK this is really misleading. Most women for example don't know that these celebrities are actually not very tall just by watching their movies. For good reason, movie directors use all kinds of camera and set tricks to make guys like Tom Cruise and Mark Wahlberg look very tall. Seth Green is probably one exception I'll make but I doubt most women would like him in real life if he wasn't rich and famous.


Someone should research into how successful Seth Green was with women before he hit fame and fortune, LOL. Because trust me, if women like Seth Green, then I would be brad pitt (and so would my other normal looking friends who women don't like).


Seth is funny and confident. That's pretty much "spanish fly" for women, lol. All you have to do is have a good sense of humor and be confident for women to LIKE you. You still have to have many other good qualities, but I think in a nutshell that is what it takes to attract them.

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Don't be someone you are not. Just be a better you. We all have areas we can improve upon and nobody is perfect. When someone says improve, they mean work on the areas you need improvement on. They do not mean change into someone else. [/Quote]


I agree completely. I am always trying to better myself, I am always reading about history, current events, philosophy and keeping up to date in the world, I am trying to make time for working out again, etc. I do believe in improving myself but I doubt any of these would have that great of an influence in how women see me, except maybe the working out thing. The only way to get more female attention would be to change myself and act something like the character Jakavosaur from South Park.



It's good that you think you are the closest to the "perfect man" but I'd argue there is no perfect man out there. EVERYONE has issues/problems they can work on.[/Quote]


Certainly. But I think I am more masculine than the average man, many agree. That doesn't mean i am a woman's definition of masculine however (a loud mouthed sociopathic criminal with an IQ of 70 OR a a loud mouthed sociopath with a lot of money). I am also very intelligent, but not a boring nerd.


So you base your self-worth on how women feel about you? That in and of itself says a lot about who you are -- and what you need to work on.[/Quote]


What I meant is , I base my romantic success on how I perceive women feel about me. I think it's safe to say that. My actual self-worth has 0 to do with other people.


That's why social groups are good to get involved with (rock-climbing, hiking, sports groups, etc).[/Quote]


Well, from personal experience going to a hiking trip with a group (i went with my friends), things like rock-climbing, hiking, etc trips, are 95% male. The women who do go, are 9 out of 10 times there with their boyfriend, and the ones who aren't have a thousand very good looking guys vying for their attention the whole trip.


I went to this trip because me and my friends love nature, but I could tell a few of the guys in the group were there to meet girls, only to be very disappointed.


There are very few social clubs where men and women are represented equally. You could always suggest joining a baking class, home ec, or something else, but chances are most women who see you there will think you are weird or gay.


It seems that you do indeed garner your self-worth by your success/failure with women.[/Quote]


Only when it comes to romance. But other than that I don't really care about the opinions of women as they are all interchangeable and rarely helpful.


That's an aweful lot of assumptions and stereotypes. I don't think the problem is women and their preferences. I think it's your outlook on women in general. If you look for the bad in people, you will always find it. If you look for the good (especially when it comes to women) you will also find it.[/Quote]


Well I guess this is where I become the picky one. I don't care about what a woman's bust size, or hair color or clothes look like, but I am picky about women who have dumb personality. I don't think it's worthwhile in the end to look for the good in people or who are imbeciles and uninteresting. They wouldn't get along with me personality wise anyway.


Seth is funny and confident. That's pretty much "spanish fly" for women, lol. All you have to do is have a good sense of humor and be confident for women to LIKE you. You still have to have many other good qualities, but I think in a nutshell that is what it takes to attract them.[/Quote]


I disagree. Funny and confident only are relevant once you pass the looks and money test . I knew hundreds of seth green's in high school who were cool, funny, and generally great to be around, but women could never get past their acne, short height, or whatever else. Sure people thought they were funny and great, but always as "friends".

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About this height issue, having been on both sides of the fence (being not so tall and being taller). I can say, without a doubt, I do agree with most of the men on the board. That is, women do prefer taller men. It is a universal trait. Not a preference. A preference is something you "may" or just "happen" to like. Virtually ALL women, if polled, will tell you that a taller man, somehow, someway provides some sort of protection in this wild and crazy world we live in. And that a taller man complements them better, though I guess I can see how. If a woman is taller, more times than not, she'll want a taller man. But I am of the opinion that it is more for show, to mirror the media. Theres nothing a "short" man can't provide that a "tall" man can. Except one can dunk, the other cannot.


It's just the rules of the road. I believe most of what Cognac and others had to say on the matter, though I don't think bringing into question anyone's choice in music, rap listening or otherwise, really, has anything to do with what brand of women you chase. I'll even throw race into this thread. And say this: I am African-American. You cannot compare virtually all women's "preference" for a tall man. For man's so-called preference for thin women.


Unless you are talking strictly white men, that simply isn't true. It's a stereotype ( though there is a good bit of truth to it) but it is very well known that yes, white men do prefer smaller, more petite women (why I don't exactly know). On the other hand, people of color traditionally speaking (blacks, hispanics, etc) go for big or small. With there being more POC (People of Color) on this planet - that comparison between height and thin women, is inaccurate.


To add, people, not just women, should really only have hard-nose "preferences" for things they bring to the table. A woman 4'11, by most accounts, should not be so adamant on wanting a man 6'7 as to be arrogant and pompous in her "preference". Just as a man 400 pounds cannot get on his soap box, he could but would look rather stupid and asinine, expecting to date somehow that closely resembles Heidi Klum.

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Studies--scholarly and my own research on Match--show that only about 10% of women include my height in the height requirements/preferences they list on their profiles.


This is nonsense.

You can't apply numbers to this.


True, being short makes it more difficult.

Being crippled makes it harder.

Being a burn victim makes it harder.

Being impotent makes it harder (lol)

Being gruesomely ugly makes it harder.


Just compensate somehow and don't hit on the giant ladies.

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What I meant is , I base my romantic success on how I perceive women feel about me. I think it's safe to say that. My actual self-worth has 0 to do with other people.


Oh ding dong. I base my own romantic success on how many women I can get. That's why, frankly, I know that this whole load of talk about height counting to the extent people are putting forward is a load of tripe. It just suggests we have a lot of people very lacking in confidence. :rolleyes:

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to be very frank with u, personally, height does really matter for me. Generally, women prefer to date a man who is taller than her.


Just preferring someone who is taller than you is not that bad, considering even the OP is taller than 50% of women. But it's when a woman starts requiring a guy to be 5 inches taller than her so she can wear heels and still have him taller, or the ones who are 5'2 and want a guy to be 6 foot that it starts getting stupid.

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"You're just totally wrong, I can tell you that from personal experience. If you didn't have such a defeatist attitude like the OP and were looking for real genuine advice


"It's very much the same agenda. In your opening post you don't ask something to the effect of "I feel insecure about my height, what do I do?" you simply make a statement that you feel your height is unattractive and invite people to back that up.




I can't discern whatever personal agenda or personal problems you have to explain your behavior here, but you are clearly not with MY program, MY program because I'm the OP and I set the terms od the debate. Hordes or people--mostly a few trolls--joined in to talk about OTHER THINGS that weren't part of MY AGENDA.


To wit: You wrote "In your opening post you don't ask something to the effect of "I feel insecure about my height, what do I do?" "


You know why I didn't write something like that? Because THAT'S NOT WHAT I WANTED TO GET FEEDBACK ON. Are you so narcissistic that you think that the thread should be about what you think it should be, hence there's something wrong with me for not MAKING MY THREAD be about WHAT YOU WANT IT TO BE? Whatever has led you to that conclusion, you have a serious personality and/or cognitive problem.


No, I don't invite people to back me up.


What I did ask, which neither you nor anyone else answered, despite my making note of that point, was a question about (I'm not going to go back and get the exact words) What is the relationship of men's height to their "looks" rating?" To which I added a statistical based comment about the measured of various heights for men based on using the prevalence of given heights falling in the height ranges women list in their on-line profiles. In particular, that only about 10% of women--over a number of studies, including my own--include 5'4" in their preferred ranges. I took that 10% and asked if it could be considered a "1" in the looks ranking scale, since 10% is, lo and behold, 1/tenth of 1. So my statistics-based example and empirically-driven question seems to have escaped your comprehension. Perhaps I should have stripped all the other prose from my post, but I thought people could sort it out for themselves.


So: It doesn't matter what you think I asked, it doesn't matter what you think I should have asked, what matters is what I actually DID ASK. And then..........I didn't ask people to "back up" the conclusion I had drawn in the interrogatory part of my post, i.e., the question. I asked them to answer the question themselves and, if they please, to then post their answers.


After taking a look at what I wrote initially, and subsequently here as well as in my earlier response to a response of yours, feel free to acknowledge that you posted OFF-TOPIC nonsense that didn't address MY topic. Narcissism, solipsism, poor reading comprehension, low intelligence, poor memory, disrespect, etc. are potential explanations for why you DIDN'T, but they aren't acknowledgments that you didn't. Come, now, admit you were wrong. And don't let me ever catch you again doing it!

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Studies--scholarly and my own research on Match--show that only about 10% of women include my height in the height requirements/preferences they list on their profiles.


This is nonsense.

You can't apply numbers to this.


You can't apply numbers to this? The idea that you can't apply numbers to it is what's non-sense.


Yes, you can count the number of people on Match or any on-line service fitting various criteria.........you can count height preferences they have, etc. It's been done. Find multiple studies on-line that have done. I've done it. I just took numbers from the system and profiles. I did nothing but add and then divided to get a percent.


So what are you really talking about?

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You can't apply numbers to this? The idea that you can't apply numbers to it is what's non-sense.


Yes, you can count the number of people on Match or any on-line service fitting various criteria.........you can count height preferences they have, etc. It's been done. Find multiple studies on-line that have done. I've done it. I just took numbers from the system and profiles. I did nothing but add and then divided to get a percent.


So what are you really talking about?


Agreed, according to your own statistical evidence, you're essentialy a 1 on the attraction sale.

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Ok, I'll answer your question directly then. The answer is, you're almost certainly a 1 on the attraction scale.


I'm going to have to unsubscribe from this thread since the OP has finally got the right answer.

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I'm 5'4" and looking for input from women about their view of guys that height and perceptions of attractiveness based on height


Studies--scholarly and my own research on Match--show that only about 10% of women include my height in the height requirements/preferences they list on their profiles.


Based on that statistic, 90% exclude me from consideration based on height, regardless of any other physical or else wise factor. Being in the bottom 10% is equivalent to being a "1" physically. Other physical factors play a part, but if you're written off by 90% based on one trait, that leaves you at the "1" level, no?


My weight is dead on-average to a handful of pounds lighter, and I'm considered somewhat handsome, but I'm not sure how much effect they'd have on my looks "score" given the height issue.


I'm far more then my height or appearance and have many great things going on, but the role of height is a question that always lurks. I intend to post another time with other questions relating to dating in real life, not on-line, where I think actually talking in person diminishes (somewhat) the "short height" disadvantage.


Here's a Match message that brought the question into stark relief for me recently. She contacted me, then we shared about 4-5 messages from each of us, then I received this message:


"I need to share something with you about which I'm very embarrassed, particularly since I'm the one who initiated our e-mailing. The reason I wrote to you is because you're obviously very bright and handsome, and I just didn't look at the stats. I'm 5'10." Our height difference is a problem for me, one that I won't overcome. I wish you all the best."


O.K. She said she had just begun on-line for the first time ever, but she didn't look at the stats until after sending me 4-5 messages over a week? After the numerous good things she said, the great, fun, smart messages, and after having impressed her greatly, this happens. Sent me into a major downward spiral. I've received messages from other women about not being interested based on height, but not after being contact being initiated by the woman and after a long exchange. Wish she hadn't given me the true reason.


Damn, you are in denial.


Ofcourse, height is a plus. But its not alpha and omega, man.


I have seen it man, short guys and I mean really short guys...they were like 151cm...hooking up with superfical hot girls. And they had one thing in common.....their height was just a nuaisance for them to laugh about now and then. They were men with capital M. Men you would go to a battle with and you wouldnt hesitate a second. They had that strong attitude.


Stop the whining, man. Even if looked like movie star and you were long like a work week, some women just wont like you for whatever reasons and come up with some bs as reason.


Get over it or die crying in the corner.

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