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Recv'd the following text from OM... read on LS friends!


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First of all, I am scheduled to meet my 47 yr old STBXW at the notary tonight after to finalize the D paperwork. Then I will take to the courthouse. I have been cordial, nice , and dignified throughout all of this so there is no reason to think a five minute encounter in a public business tonight would be any different.


OK - So, a couple of hours ago I receieed a threatening text from the 18 yr old OM. I have never met him or spoken to him, ever. It was in a foreign language. I had it translated. It basically said (NAME used for acutal name of STBXW) -- >


"Today you're meeting with NAME - I ask you a favor, do not say anything that will make her feel bad. I am a man like you that deserves respect. You know who I am."


To me that sounds like a threat, especially the last sentence. I broke my LC rule & called STBXW wife immediately and asked about this. She swore no knowledge of this and that she never gave him my cell #. (Ok, so Mr. Wonderful is already snooping around on her sneaking a peak at her cell phone. Nice, ...)

He says he "is a man" - he is a little boy, a punk, who willingly contributed to the breakup of a good M. My STBXW basically said if he wasn't around she would never have left. (Doesn't mean we would have had a perfect M if she never met the OM and never left - but we could have tried to move towards a better one -& I feel certain we could have worked it out.)

I told the STBXW that she needed to tell him to back off and NEVER contact me ever again. I told her I didn't know what I would do if he confronted me on the street. (I have never in all my life gotten like this but I know I would probably rage up and do something VERY drastic in THIS situation. I am otherwise a kind passive guy.) Though I was heartbroken and distraught I never thought of going over to kick his *ss. What would that have solved? Nothing...


Thoughts? Advice?


My Mother said she would go with me and sit in the car and observe to be a witness in case he came to start something. Good Idea?

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Don't respond (even though I know you're seriously tempted to tell his punk ass that he'd better pray that you never see him on a dark street, I know I would).


You're the President, and the President doesn't negotiate with terrorists.

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Don't respond (even though I know you're seriously tempted to tell his punk ass that he'd better pray that you never see him on a dark street, I know I would).


You're the President, and the President doesn't negotiate with terrorists.


Oh believe me, for 30 seconds I was

composing an "FU, you MF'er, ..." text

response in my head. But I won't.


What a pearl the STBXW chose to leave me for, eh?

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Things don't always translate well from language to language. You can tell a joke that's hilarious in one language,then it might not even make you laugh in another. So, it might not be a "threat". But, it might. So, I would suggest taking someone with you. Can you text the person back to ask how it was meant to sound?? (Even though it's probably better if you don't)


Save the test if you need any proof of anything in your hearing;)

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Things don't always translate well from language to language. You can tell a joke that's hilarious in one language,then it might not even make you laugh in another. So, it might not be a "threat". But, it might. So, I would suggest taking someone with you. Can you text the person back to ask how it was meant to sound?? (Even though it's probably better if you don't)

Save the test if you need any proof of anything in your hearing;)


I had someone who speaks the language well translate it. It was not a joke. It was from a stupid guy.


I will not text them back, no.

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i had so many text saved in my phone that i never sent to the OM. i saw him about a week ago at the post office, and he literally RAN to his car and burned some tires getting out of there. he's told several people he's terrified of what's coming for him.

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broken hearted
i had so many text saved in my phone that i never sent to the OM. i saw him about a week ago at the post office, and he literally RAN to his car and burned some tires getting out of there. he's told several people he's terrified of what's coming for him.


Haha, this is hilarious!!!

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Haha, this is hilarious!!!


i know. i don't even have to do anything, nor will i ever. physical anyway. i'll play the mental game for a long, long time. if all i have to do is walk in somewhere to put the fear of God in him, then so be it.

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i had so many text saved in my phone that i never sent to the OM. i saw him about a week ago at the post office, and he literally RAN to his car and burned some tires getting out of there. he's told several people he's terrified of what's coming for him.


HaHaHa, Kick his *ss MMI!!!!!!:cool:

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i know. i don't even have to do anything, nor will i ever. physical anyway. i'll play the mental game for a long, long time. if all i have to do is walk in somewhere to put the fear of God in him, then so be it.


My problem is - even Though I am, and have always been a mild-mannered, docile, passive guy - I think in the right situation (and this might be one) - I would do something VERY VERY bad. That is, if he came at me trying to tell me how things should be or how I should conduct myself. Especially after the amount of nice, dignified, and high-road taken actions that I've demonstrated.


That's why I am taking a "witness" for tonight's last (maybe?) meeting with STBXW.

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broken hearted

Add me as a contact! I want to see the person that your d*umba$$ wife left for an 18 year old! You sound like such a wonderful guy and a very loving husband! Why can't I meet someone like all the men on LS who have the same morals, values, and thoughts on marriage as me?

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Add me as a contact! I want to see the person that your d*umba$$ wife left for an 18 year old! You sound like such a wonderful guy and a very loving husband! Why can't I meet someone like all the men on LS who have the same morals, values, and thoughts on marriage as me?


i think you're already a contact, BH, but i'll readd if not. you will find that. i've seen you. you're very attractive, you're strong (whether you know it or not), and you understand what a loving, committed marriage is. keep your head up.


what do you mean what he is dealing with?????????


i was joking. nothing's going to happen. the guy is scared of me. he's publically said so. when i exposed the EA, he met with my brother and told him he is constantly looking over his shoulder in fear of me.

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Thoughts? Advice?


My Mother said she would go with me and sit in the car and observe to be a witness in case he came to start something. Good Idea?


Ignore the text. He stole your cell # from your wife somehow. He is acting like a typical 18 yrd old. I dont think it is a threat. He thinks he is trying to "protect" his lover.


I dont know your whole story but can pretty tell what happened here. Hang in there.

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I had something like that happen before. You know what the deal is - he just wants a rise out of you, which is petty and immature. He's an idiot, and obviously, an insecure one.


Ignoring it is the best thing you could do, if for no other reason than it ends any 'paper trail' if something unfortunate were to happen to him in a dark alley. Of course, I'm not saying you'll be responsible, but Karma's a b****...

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Thanks ALL - Leaving in 30 minutes to meet STBXW for the notary signing. Here's hoping the 18 yr old douchebag is not there. I think I will keep my cool if he does show. I've asked my Mom to accompany me.

(Sounds so grade-school like, huh?) :-)

But this is to prevent me from wailing on the sh*thead. Also, if he starts something I want a witness when I "protect" myself.


MrMay --> what does it mean when you said you add somebody as a contact? (Maybe I'm a little slow on some of the 'net stuff?)


Thanks again for all the advice LS friends.



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Ignore the text. He stole your cell # from your wife somehow. He is acting like a typical 18 yrd old. I dont think it is a threat. He thinks he is trying to "protect" his lover.


I dont know your whole story but can pretty tell what happened here. Hang in there.


65TR6 --> Long story VERY short. Good H, Good M, 47 yr old Wife in classic MLC. Gives me the ILYBINILWY speech 60 days ago / had started an EA with an 18 yr old boy. (YES, 18!!) Left the house 18 days later to start dating the boy. Been with him ever since. Never gave 1 second of effort to try to repair the M. Typical revisionist history applied - didn't love me for years, not happy for years, ETC. She sure seemd very happy 'til just recently - last 2-3 weeks. She moved her stuff out of the house a week ago. Wants no alimony, no asset division, nothing but "freedom". Saving money for an apt. for her and the BF. Notarizing the D papers tonight. I still love her but I am resigned that she is NEVER coming back and I am planning for life without her. Hope to one day feel nothing for her.



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Thanks ALL - Leaving in 30 minutes to meet STBXW for the notary signing. Here's hoping the 18 yr old douchebag is not there. I think I will keep my cool if he does show. I've asked my Mom to accompany me.

(Sounds so grade-school like, huh?) :-)

But this is to prevent me from wailing on the sh*thead. Also, if he starts something I want a witness when I "protect" myself.


MrMay --> what does it mean when you said you add somebody as a contact? (Maybe I'm a little slow on some of the 'net stuff?)


Thanks again for all the advice LS friends.




you can click on my name, and "view public profile". i have a few pictures up, but only my contacts can see them.

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Sorry, got that crossed about the 18 yo MMI!! Everything else applied to you though!


That's me BH --> the one whose W left him for an 18 yo.

But I am also a very good guy - and wanted to be with my STBXW

forever unconditionally. :-(


Does unconditional love include a W cheating on you, leaving you, divorcing you, ...?? (I've always wondered if I am a hypocrite if I initiated the D after what the STBXW did to me.)

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