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Maximus , and others please read....

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My story is like Maximus's. Except I am the girl.\


I was in a 2 yr relationship and we were broke up for


2 months untill last week . He calls me outta the blue


and asks me to a wedding. I went ,we talked and talked


It felt like we never split up. And he says he wants


to take things slow now. Instead of jumping into a big


heavy thing. I asked if he thought it would ever go back to


serious , he said yes.. Anyways. I just couldnt help but notice the similar story of Maximus. Definitely telling a girl how bad you want her back is VERY IMPORTANT.....


I still love my ex . and I hope we end up back to being


almost engaged again , in good time.....

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Yours is a wonderful love story, and I pray for the best for both of you.


It has been my experience that after separations, the same dynamics which caused the initial separation still exist and usually pollute the reconciliation. I hope this is NOT the case with you.


You have to work hard to keep this going in the right direction. People have a tendency to fall back into their same old patterns regardless.

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