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is he interested?

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well, i sort of posted this in another post but i think i post it in the wrong place but i"ll re-do it here....

recently about 3 months ago i joined the gym and i signed up with a personal trainer...at first everything was formal.I would go in do the exercise and be out..not a lot of interaction...about a month now things have changed...we talk more ,we laugh a lot together, its a more friendly.Well, he lately has been interested in my likings and what i do during the week or the weekend. He also has suggested movies 4 me 2 c{not wit him but sumthing i should watch as a suggestion,has asked me what music i like , just a lot of "about me" questions..i thought nothing of it cuz i thought maybe he wants for us to be cool,get 2 know each other in a platonic way....Here's were the signals flare and i dont want to over feed into it..at almost each session he has had to comment on my butt and the exercise he's making me do and the outcome..which i thought,,maybe he's trying to encourage me?idk...#2 he notices random lil things about my clothing and comments on it, #3 he makes fun of me in a good way nothing mean #4 he mimics me a lot{ so freakin stupid lol} #5 he helps me out so much and he is kind and gentle # 6 even when i {most of teh time} dont do what im suppose to do he tries to be tough and strict but he just lets it slide{thankfully, let me not jinx it}#7 he would touch me randomly here and there nothing inappropriate just soft touches when he obviously didnt need to #8 he gets nervouse and he laughs toooo much like i even noticed he was laughing more than usual # 9 lately he has been working out after our session at the gym something he never did b4 since i have to stay and workout after our session #10 while i was doing push ups he was touching? or something on the back of my shirt and when i c he was pulling a strand of hair off...#11 randomly he told me about " i want to know what love is" by mariah carey and he was obviously emphasizing his liking to the song..i heard it and was like what?! thats where this curiosity sparked..#12he actually waited 4 me last session at the entrance and when i walked in he looked at me up and down{ idk if it has to do that i was wearing jeans but the look did occur} so idk if like i said am feeding too much into this or is he interested? i dont want to ask cuz wat if he isnt and is just being friendly cuz we are cool and compatible or its his job...idk ...idk..i wanna know though im afraid to ask i dont want us 2 be acquard for the rest of the sessions until mid 2010 lol....what should i do..i am a bit interested but i dont want this 2 be a one way street thing....plz i want as much views as possible female ,male,,,anyone:love:

Edited by mzLoveLy
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Yes, he's interested. You should carry on flirting...hopefully he'll ask you out. If not then it wasn't to be, for some other reason.:)

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well since i last posted on here not much has happened...@ 1 occassion i mentioned my bf and i had broken up, he seemed surprised and wat seemed 2 be happy.then the next session ,i said something about my bf and he automatically asked " i thought u said u broke up with him?!" at dat moment i was like yea but we talked and we fixed it...he seemed annoyed and said " uhg ur so..." scrunched up his face and left it at that...we continued talkin about him going out of state...when he came back we missed a couple of sessions i felt like he didnt want to train me anymore but i spoke to his manager who is also his close friend and asked him if he had suin against me...in which he said no and smiled and said that they were speaking of me when they went out of state but didnt get into detail..so i had a session with him and he seemed da same... but i didnt feel da same way as b4... then couple more sessions..which made me feel a bit better cuz he would grab my hands as he gave me the weights..he would hold my hands 4 a sec. then he offered his hands to help me up which i obviously didnt need help but the act wa nice then at our last session he called me the day of and when i picked up he said " i thought i was going to get your voicemail"very innocently..seemed thoughtful..quiet.. and he proceeded asking if we could workout today...i advised him he is forgetful bcuz he wrote me down for friday cuz i couldnt make it tomorrow he said "okay i'll see u this evening.".. he seemed so...pensive in his words and quiet...i felt weird and i said well bye..and he said a soft "bye" and remained on the phone..i panicked and hung up lol.when i get there he isnt around so i thought he was going to blow me off....he finally arrives in with leisure clothes..he went up to my machine and jumped up on the railing...chatted for a bit and i followed him to the office he looked at his schedule and i saw he had a person b4 me to train he ripped up the paper and told me to give him "a minute to get his thoughts straight"..so i left. after about 5 minutes the other trainer comes out with 2 girls he has to train and my trainer signals me to him i go over sign in and we walk to our area..as we walk our distance is always very short..we walk side by side and we begin...he demonstrates and i do the excercises he starts helping me with the bar. at one point he was close behind me and pulled the bar up from me i got startled cuz he was so close which we never have been in that position, side by side yes but not him in the back and me in the front....so then the next round he decides to face me hold the bar and asked me to go underneath it and inbetween his arms..wow..lol:D..it was the closest thing we had face to face like that. we were so close and we didnt need to be cuz he could of let me handle it by myself or he could of been far from me and still do that..so he did it a second time and we stayed there for a few seconds 4 no reason ...i started doing squats cuz i get nervous and dont know how to act...he moved to the side..i could feel him staring at my face and i saw him thru the mirror cuz i couldnt look at him or i would laugh...he began telling me jokes..then the exercise he had me doing was "plank" so i had to get down on the floor..so out of nowhere he started fixing his socks which i thought "random" but okay..then he extended his leg towards me in a weird position and got low to the ground until he sat there to look at my face as he told me another joke...i was just like "he's weird w.e." so when im done we get up and do the next exercise..he then ask me if he should stay after our session so he could workout ,at that point, he tells me he was at basketball practice and came here ..said he was tired..said me had a b-ball game on sat. thats why he couldnt do tommorrow..i acted interested and surprised cuz i was...then he remains quiet,had his head down looks up only with his eyebrows and eyes..smiles and asks me "what are you going to do tommorrow?" i told him and he smiled again and said okay and bite his lip...the rest of the session was the same at the end he told me he was taking two weeks off and to call him after new years so we can train again...i was a bit bummed but w.e. the last thing that has me a bit concerned...his close friend and co-worker{the one who took the two girls} smiles,chuckles, or laughs as if he knows something every time my trainer {lets call him "mr. trainer" } and i are together and mr. trainer laughs , smiles or chuckles too...without anyone saying a thing it makes me self-conscious and bothers me cuz i wanna know whats so funny..if mr. trainer is not there his friend says hi but thats it like any other person but when we are together he just smiles at nothing both of em !1!!! idk. i know i sound stupid but i wanna know if i should flirt, or wtf should i do cuz its starting to annoy me this whole guessing thing and i dont want to ask cuz it will be weird if he isnt and i ask him that will create such a burden for both of us to carry...plz help

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