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getting over a crush?

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i guess i'm "in search of" advice on getting over a crush.


i have a crush on a girl in my math class, and yesterday being the last day of class (my first semester in college is wrapping up), i don't think i'll see her again. she's unbelievably cute, but besides that she's also really nice. i spoke to her directly a few times and she was very friendly. still, she never really started a conversation with me, and in general i never got past discussing exams, and other academic stuff with her. it kind of feels like watching a train derail every time i have a crush. nothing ever becomes of them, and at 19 i've yet to go on a date (i'm really insecure about this). it doesn't help much that i havn't really made any friends at all this semester. i'm really shy, and it always takes me a while to find friends.


so.. this being my situation, does anyone have any advice on getting over it and moving on, or something to that effect? i'm sort of depressed about all of this. college really isn't what i was hoping for (although, every one else seems to be having fun). to top it off i have finals to deal with now, and ireally don't want emotional stuff to distract me from that. =\

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Well i know where your coming from on the shy part of it. I am the same way with girls. :( As for this whole crush thing, I couldn't really say what to do. Hope ya get over it.

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College life can be a big adjustment. And those people who you think that are having a "good time" in college are going through the same things you are with exams, relationships, and grades.....trust me.

You mentioned that nothing ever happens with your "crushes" on girls. They are called "crushes" because you fall quick for someone and often the other person has no idea you like them. I had a lot of "crushes" in college, so what you are feeling is normal. I also went through shyness when I was in college. There was a guy in my math class who I liked, but I never had the guts to even speak to him. :rolleyes:

As you get older, you will get over your shyness, I promise. :)

Don't feel bad because you are 19 and you've yet to go on a date. I didn't date anyone until I was 18. Some people can date from the time they are 14 and have empty relationships and never be happy.

Have you tried to join a club at college or some sort of organization? You can make new friends there. Sometimes you have to make yourself talk to people in order to make new friends. And if they snub you, then they are not worth your time.

I hope I have helped you, and good luck in college!

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Do you have email at school? I know when I was at school we had access from their website to other students email addresses for easy contact.


So maybe you can try to arrange a study date with her for your finals, and if you are too uncomfortable doing it in person, then ask her for her email address and just send one out! Maybe a joke to lighten the tension. Just be sure to watch what you say and how you say it because you don't want to sound like a stalker!

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