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i know there 's no real answer to love! and y and how someone can love one more than the other! i wish that trust was also not a big issue in the whole relationship thing i wish that once your in love with some one u will be with that lover forever and there was no possibility of falling out of love! i wish people didn't love someone who doesn't love them! lots of girls go for that bad guy type and end up getting hurt! which sucks! i don't really have a question its just a statement or a thought mainly of that love and life doesn't seem fair and i'm scared to love and trust ! well i love someone very much but i can't trust him and its so hard not to snoop around trying to come up with something that will make me get hurt or feel hurt and it makes it hard to be with him and i know i should just break up with him if i don't trust. but our love is so strong we have so much when were together just my trust doesn't meet up to our standards and he even calls me his wifey its so great to have him i'm just scared i'm not good enough or i'm going to end up hurt ! all i can do is blame it on past relationships that went so great in the beginning and ended up bad! this is the longest Ive been with someone and i feel like i'm waiting any day now to find out his cheating or find some reason to break up with him. and i can say i have one reason to break up with him but its stupid and not really even a good reason! so all i can do is say y do i have to act this way and try to look for reasons to break up or reason y he might hurt me or reasons i can't trust him! and if i will ever really be able to trust him?

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This negative attitude will destroy your relationship - work on that and trust will follow. There are no guarantees but that's life and not taking risks means never developing intimacy with anyone so you lose anyway. Imagine how you would feel if he didn't trust you. Stop snooping around looking for things that are not there and instead focus on the evidence that is right in front of you. Our emotions are governed by our thoughts and it is possible to change negative thought patterns such as you are experiencing - not immediately but with practice. Good luck.

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i sorda have no room to talk. i am trying not to snoop into my bf's stuff u know just lil thangs try to find on him.

its a lil bit hard to trust him bc he has lied to me maybe a couple of times n the past, he said hes all truthfull now and that i have to trust him. a relationship is based on trust and i have to step up to that and trust my bf which is hard but if i dont it can b runined. Its very hard to do but u gotta start sometime and im tryin to and i am, its very tempting to see whats going on with him that u may not know, and theres probly nothing going on at all.



all i have to say is im with you in this, we just gonna have to trust em, and when u do find something out ,that happends out of the blue and ure not looking 4 or if he even cheats u dont need him untill then just trust him.


i dontknow if this will help or not . goodluck!

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Thanks you guys! it really helps knowing i'm not the only one feeling a certain way! and even today i got to say i had a great day it started off good got bad in the middle and ended good! i trusted him 'm with all open arms today and I'm feeling trust coming back! i wrote another post that same night explaining y i couldn't trust him in the jealousy /cheating section its called should i trust him or not ! ( i think thats its) if you would like to read my long story of how the trust got broken its in two paragraphs with a aim convo. with it so it looks every long but it tells everything! but i just want to say thanks and i hope that even more trust for you and me starts to improve!

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Originally posted by bfaith258

i know there 's no real answer to love! and y and how someone can love one more than the other! i wish that trust was also not a big issue in the whole relationship thing i wish that once your in love with some one u will be with that lover forever and there was no possibility of falling out of love! i wish people didn't love someone who doesn't love them! lots of girls go for that bad guy type and end up getting hurt! which sucks! i don't really have a question its just a statement or a thought mainly of that love and life doesn't seem fair and i'm scared to love and trust ! well i love someone very much but i can't trust him and its so hard not to snoop around trying to come up with something that will make me get hurt or feel hurt and it makes it hard to be with him and i know i should just break up with him if i don't trust. but our love is so strong we have so much when were together just my trust doesn't meet up to our standards and he even calls me his wifey its so great to have him i'm just scared i'm not good enough or i'm going to end up hurt ! all i can do is blame it on past relationships that went so great in the beginning and ended up bad! this is the longest Ive been with someone and i feel like i'm waiting any day now to find out his cheating or find some reason to break up with him. and i can say i have one reason to break up with him but its stupid and not really even a good reason! so all i can do is say y do i have to act this way and try to look for reasons to break up or reason y he might hurt me or reasons i can't trust him! and if i will ever really be able to trust him?



Hay you!


Well its true you cant trust a guy, but if you love him and he loves you then there's no problem to it.


Trust is the most important thing in life. I trusted my ex boyfriend and he didnt trust me at all. That sucked big time. Because of trust we broke up and something else but life goes on, you cant sit on one place and wonder how it will turn out.


Have you ever asked him how he feels about you? Ask him that and you will get your answer believe me. I did and I got my answer.


Take my advice and ask him and tell me what he said. :o

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sorry i haven't replied i've been busy with finals and haven't had much time! well i did ask him! i got the answer- Brandy I love you! , i then asked hIm if he had ever cheated on me during any point and time'me his response was - NO how could i cheat on my future wifie! lol ! i don't' know maybe i'm just over reacting and i need to trust its just hard cause of past relations! but thanks for the great advise i love hearing what people think! and how it helps and knowing I'm not the only one feeling this way!

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