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Totally unfair and uncalled for.


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Ok .. im sorry guys but i need to ask your opinion about this.


Last night I had a nice and pleasant (or so i thought) conversation with this guy who I really like (and who really likes me too)..

he stated several times "im happy that we're talking" and he was making jokes and so was i, giggling, we were both giggling and laughing.


Then i told him about a guy before who i used to talk to, i told him that sometimes i'd say like i wanna restart but i wont come back. Cause i really dont know if i should tell him "this conversation is boring me"..that'd be rude right?


Anyway he said something like yeah u do that to me too, and i said no i dont, there was just a time i said i will brush my teeth, and i didnt log off, i fell asleep on my bed. (hes the kind of guy who would tell u to not sleep if u tell him ur feeling sleepy).. and he was like ok and i was like yeah and carried on to the conversation.


he was about to say something, then he was like hmm ok can i call u back real quick i was like sure (thinking someone in his house called him or something)..and he got on aim and he said "im going to bed".. then he logged off.




I was like at first hoping he'd come back and say "gotcha!" ..i also expected a call back. but i got neither.


the conversation started at 1am, ended at 2am (yes a full hour). I wasnt able to sleep. I watched tv.


Around 6am he got online and told me "i couldnt sleep cause i missed u."


i didnt know wht to say.


then i started to , tell him how i felt.. that i was hurt.


and he said somehting like..he was mad because i was laughing about what he said, about leaving him and falling asleep.


seriously? wha..?


we were laughing and giggling and he just changed all of a sudden and wanted to sleep? then he gives me this reason?


all of a sudden, after 2 months of closeness.. i saw the bad side of him. and it cut me deeply.


i was trying to talk to him about and hes like i dont wanna argue, tell me wat i can do so u wont feel bad anymore.


this honestly sounds insincere to me.


i didnt talk anymore and cried for about a few mins in front of my pc.


then i got something to drink and listened to some music, tried to take my mind off it.


i got 2 phone calls from him, both of which i didnt answer.


on the 2nd call he left a voice mail.


it sounded like hes crying.


i still did not call. i do not know what to do and to be honest i do not want him anymore in my life. what he did was reminiscent of what my ex did to me 5 years ago. just out of the blue withdraw affection and attention like that.. its brutal.

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My advice? ANSWER THE GOD DAMN PHONE! Do you get off on ignoring him or something? He wants to work things out, you want to ignore him. You act like you did nothing wrong. I hate to tell you, you are not exactly miss innocent in all of this.


He asks you what he needs to do to make up for it, and you think that is insincere?


You saw the bad side of him? What bad side!?!?! Nothing you describe says that was his bad side. I'd say he saw the passive aggressive, run away, ignore people, I'm perfect and you are not, ice queen side of you instead.


It sounds like he called you out on a simple mistake and you are trying to blame him for everything.

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Love is a fairytale
My advice? ANSWER THE GOD DAMN PHONE! Do you get off on ignoring him or something? He wants to work things out, you want to ignore him. You act like you did nothing wrong. I hate to tell you, you are not exactly miss innocent in all of this.


He asks you what he needs to do to make up for it, and you think that is insincere?


You saw the bad side of him? What bad side!?!?! Nothing you describe says that was his bad side. I'd say he saw the passive aggressive, run away, ignore people, I'm perfect and you are not, ice queen side of you instead.


It sounds like he called you out on a simple mistake and you are trying to blame him for everything.


Truer words couldn't be spoken. The OP is complicating things with subtle mindgames, ie (not answering the phone, reading too deep into words, and making a big deal out of nothing.) I think she is just thinking too hard about this relationship, which from what it appears, is long distance/online which further complicates things in the communication area.

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Truer words couldn't be spoken. The OP is complicating things with subtle mindgames, ie (not answering the phone, reading too deep into words, and making a big deal out of nothing.) I think she is just thinking too hard about this relationship, which from what it appears, is long distance/online which further complicates things in the communication area.


Oh I couldn't agree more.


OP, you're making things dramatic when they aren't. You and him sound like you're in high school.


Take communication through technology less seriously. Obviously this guy likes you but you're making an online interaction like aiming a bigger deal than they are.

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Two people can only communicate deeply in person or via the phone. Computers and text messages do not carry tone of voice or inflextions that are neccessary to interpret true feelings.


Answer the phone and really talk to him. This is not his fault.

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