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Is she interested?


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Ok well, I recently met this girl like a month ago. At the time she had a boyfriend and I didn't know till after I got to know her a little more. She would text me everyday the whole day and would barely be with her bf or be talking to him. It seemed he was always working and I immediately knew there was something going on with this guy. We would mess around where she would say when am I going to take her out to dinner and stuff.


She would go to me for advice with her bf and troubles and I would give it to her and eventually her and her bf broke up because he was cheating on her. Ok, they broke up and now we're talking more than ever. Eventually we decided to go see a movie, we decided on a day. But no time and place. She asked me for movie times and I gave it to her and the place was decided, after I gave her the movie times she said she would let me know.


I didn't contact her after that because I wanted to see if she would and ever since that day we haven't talked at all. I texted her by accident today lol -.- and then she said I was just trying to find an excuse to text her because I missed her and then asked how my halloween weekend was and I told her and asked her how about you? and from there she didn't reply back. What should I do?


Was I overanalyzing things to start?

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I didn't contact her after that because I wanted to see if she would and ever since that day we haven't talked at all. I texted her by accident today


So you make plans, then didn't follow up? Way to go bonehead. Of course she won't think you are interested! You don't show interest by ignoring or avoiding someone!


And cut this "texting by accident" BS. You don't text someone by "accident." Own up to your actions. Either you text her or you don't. There is no accident. Accidents are what happen when you think you have to fart but you end up sh*tting your pants instead.

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Huh no, it was by accident lol. When I turn off my phone and turn it back on it sends past text messages to any random person that I've texted, it's not just one text it sends, it's 3. It wasn't her it texted when I turned on my phone.


So when she told me she didn't believe me and only texted her cuz I missed her I said if that were the case I would've just said hey what's up? I put the ball in her court and she had told me she was going to let me know which she never did. On top of that when I saw her FB 2 hours later it seemed like she was making plans to go out with her friends that's when I REALLY decided not to ask her if she was still going cuz techincallly she had said she was going to let me know anyways. Which she didn't.

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I put the ball in her court and she had told me she was going to let me know which she never did.


You are a man. You NEVER put the ball in the girl's court when it comes to the initial stages of dating. Use your balls and take initiative. Believe me, girls pick up on that. Why do you think they tend to gravitate to people you'd guess as "jerks?" Because they are aggressive and they go after what they want with little thought about consequences. The have absolute confidence. Sure, they are complete *******s. But the confidence swoons.


You are doing way too much analyzing about this anyways. You checked her FB page and it seemed like she was making other plans? Well, was she? Did she or did she not? Of course, you would have known had you just asked her up front.


I still don't buy the "accidental" text. Maybe you should send your phone to the Catholic church and have an exorcism performed on it to clear out the texting ghouls.


I'm guessing you are fairly young here.

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You're not over-analyzing anything. The steps you've taken have all been cool.


Forget all this text-message crap, and get her on the phone. Tell her simply and matter-of-factly: "Hey, what's up? Are we hanging out or no?"


If she balks, I'd laugh and kid around with her the way she did with you. Tell her "Look, if hanging out with me is too intimidating, I understand. There aren't many girls who can handle it." :p


She sounds interested, but she also sounds like she wants to play cat and mouse. Chase her and she's gonna run. Don't play phone tag anymore. You need to hang out face-to-face already, it's long past time.

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You are doing way too much analyzing about this anyways. You checked her FB page and it seemed like she was making other plans? Well, was she? Did she or did she not? Of course, you would have known had you just asked her up front.


Well I've been told not to assume things many times before but I never seem to learn lol.. I guess you're right. Well I'll keep you guys posted on what goes on the next couple of days :p.

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Did you ask about the text with the movie times once you started texting again - i.e. did she get that text from you? It's always possible she didn't, and therefore wasn't blowing you off.


If she did and still isn't comitting to plans...I'd wait to hear from her again first.

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Well I've only seen her two times since then. But I don't know she doesn't seem very interested. But my friends say she is just because of the fact that she would even go out with me.


The first time we went out to see a movie, and the 2nd time we basically just chilled, she wanted to go to my house and she did but then after we went out to gameworks cuz i wasnt feeling like being in my house on a weekend night lol..


I didn't really feel a moment, it was more like friendship. I've told her she's cute and she feels the same the way about me and i dont know whether she's just leading me on or if its it a game or if she really is interested. She's even asked me if I would kiss her.. idk but then again when we went out it felt like we were more friends than anything else..


When we go out, she plays around with me and stuff. But we really don't have a moment, it's like if she feels there's one coming and she backs away like she's scared or something. I usually can tell when someone likes me but this girl i don't know.. she's giving mixed signals..


So what is it? Do you think she's just leading me on?

Edited by ssj4trunks09
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