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Fooled around with ex, says he doesnt want to lead me on

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I have been with someone for two years..

we broke up because i meet someone who i thought would be better for me

I tried to be friends with my ex, but its extreamly hard to be around him because i miss him so much.

we ended up fooling around yesterday.. and he says he didnt want to lead me on.

Should i continue our friendship? I think i still love him, and he knows it.

I keep having all these feelings for him, i love my boyfriend but i have no idea what to do.

There is no chance of me ever getting back with my ex because he said he is afraid i will hurt him again

My heart hurts thinking about all this.

I want to know.. why we ended up fooling around..when he said that he just wanted to be friends.

I want to know if i should continue our friendship

And i want to know how i can deal with missing more then being friends... because it seems hopless.

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Originally posted by AuroraFaery

i love my boyfriend but i have no idea what to do.


I think you would really have to ask yourself HOW MUCH you could possibly love your boyfriend while you are still messing around with....and missing....you ex to that degree.


Sometimes we have a tendency to focus so much on our OWN feelings....we forget the people who also have a heart involved in the situation.


If you want to stay with your current boyfriend....I think you should consider putting HIS feelings first.....or you may very well end up without either one of them in ANY capacity.

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I had a twist on this many years ago. I had dated a woman for a couple years, then we broke up over a misunderstanding. Went out a couple months later, as friends, and ended up back at my place. Started fooling around and she wanted to go for it. I told her I wasn't looking for a f*** buddy and if she was genuinely interested in trying to rebuild a relationship, we could see how that worked. She wouldn't commit to that, so I showed her to the door and wished her the best life had to offer.


Frankly, I think your boyfriend is doing you a favor by letting you know where you stand. Now, you can either walk out the door and not look back, or you can stay in a miserable state.

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  • 8 months later...

I think if you look over on the section of the board that references "Second Chances" you will see a ton of posts to me, about a similar situation. 1) Being involved with an ex will not work out...it will only confuse you, and lead you to more heartache. 2) I dont honestly belief that ex's can be friends, especially if the breakup wasn't mutual... The first time you see him with another woman...you will understand...it doesn't work..


Just my 2 cents...

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You're the one who broke up with him, it was your choice, so let it go. Don't dwell on what you've lost. If you keep doing this you're going to lose your boyfriend now, not just your ex. You shouldn't be fooling around with an ex when you have a new boyfriend. How much can you really love ur new bf if you're doing that?

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I broke up with my gf because she kept contacting her ex, went over his hse for hrs, she knew how i felt about this and that it was making me feel very insicure, 2 mos ago she told me she was busy when I asked why, she was going to her ex's hse, when you are in a relationship and in love, it is the present person who is most importand, ex's only cause a triangle and if your partner cant understand, its time to leave!

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Not quite...she did the breaking up (to go back to her ex, who she later got engaged to,) but the whole time she was sending me mixed messages. Now, she is pursuing a 54 year old guy...

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I sent her a text message last nite asking if she had moved on, I recieved her reply this morning "IT IS OVER" so much for three months of pain

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I broke up with my gf because she kept too munch contact with her ex etc....its been 2 months and i sent her my third email asking her back, her reply was it is over! i should have called her with days of leaving her! no contact is a game! if you cant move on then tell her so, get an answer now! if you are done then stop waiting for her or him if you are not done call that persson, the more time apart the more time that she or he has to move on, lovers should not play games, all I see on the this site is waiting!! what are you waiting for??I played it and she moved on, I wish I would have called her and talked it thru.

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