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my friend


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i have this friend,who's also my co-worker.

he always tells sex jokes.

also waite until he gets around my friend to say certain things such as,

the size of his middle leg, like i care.

talking about his size really upset me. he will not stop.

he has a girlfriend.

he always tells me that i'm pretty and looks very nice.

turn around at a later date, a tell another sex joke.

advice please!

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i have this friend,who's also my co-worker.

he always tells sex jokes.

also waite until he gets around my friend to say certain things such as,

the size of his middle leg, like i care.

talking about his size really upset me. he will not stop.

he has a girlfriend.

he always tells me that i'm pretty and looks very nice.

turn around at a later date, a tell another sex joke.

advice please!


He likely has a small penis ...


He is talking lewd with you and has a gf.


I would make distance between yourself and him. Pronto.

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